ElectraDyne tweakability...

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
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ok ED owners...

i'm dying for a 112 combo! just have some questions...

everyone praises the ED for being easy to dial in... but i haven't really seen any discussion on just how many different sounds are in there...
i'm just wondering how tweakable the amp really is.
now, i am NOT hoping for MKV 'versatility' out of the ED. i'm obviously ok with the whole concept of the single channel 6 knob simplicity... i just want the ability to shape things and find some really different voicings within the ED flavor. and i'm having a hard time figuring how much EQ range there could really be with the ganged pots...

i fear is that the EQ may seem somewhat 'neutered' as compared to that standard mesa EQ setups...

i understand that EQ levels outside 10-2 may compromise mode-to-mode settings. that's fine - i just want to know that one day - when i want to fins some new inspirational sound - it will be in there...

The Eq is not as responsive as the MkV for example. but it is still very tweakable. it can cover alot of territory
What are the different types of tones you are looking to get?

I think the main thing people are refering to when they say it is easy to dial in is that you can start with all the knobs at noon (save the master volume unless you are looking for structural damage of what ever dwelling you happen to be in at the time) and it sounds great!

My personal opinion is this amp will cover the following without any need for effects or pedals.
Classic Rock
Heavy Rock
Old school Metal

For the new metal, you would probably need a boost, but I have posted some clips in this forum of me playing Master of Puppets with nothing more then the amp at bedroom volume (daughter sleeping a couple rooms down), and I though it held it's own well.

There are plenty of clips on the web of it playing the lighter stuff
tones i'm looking to get?

- a full mid-bottom heavy 6L6 clean (to complement the amazing EL84 clean i get with my F-30)
- bright, thick midrange wall of distortion (i like both the british flavor and the mesa tones)
- a fluid and smooth overdrive...

i've read every thread in this forum twice, and seen every video i could find at least 5 times! (fave tones i've heard online are teletalkin's clip with his kids dancing around and the KWS clip from sgtthump!) everything i've heard sounds great - but i'm not sure how much more range is in there...

call it cold feet... i'm soo close to being sold...
with the mortgage and the kids - i don't get to buy very much gear - so whatever amp i end up with is going to need to keep my interest for quite some time!
i'm 80% leaning towards ED - 20% MKV -
it's nice and easy to say i want a MKV so i can get whatever i want out of it - but i don't want to spent more time dialing in than playing.
i like the simplicity of the ED - and love what i've heard... i would just hate to buy it and crave more flexibility one day.
but then again... i love the clean AND lead tones i get out of my F-30 - so i'm thinking between that and the ED, i should never get bored!
(FYI - for years i've been using 2 TS9's - one stock/one analogman modded - i set one as a nearly clean boost, and the other gained up... so i have all kinds of options there as well)

ya' know what? - i think all i really need is someone to say 'hey dumbass- this amp rocks - get it and don't look back'
I'm just sayin. On a real note, you need to get in a sound room with your favorite guitar and turn the master to 9:30 and commence to tweaking. It will be euphoric. Then turn the volume down and you will realize that it is nearly as sweet at low volume.
specialed said:
Hey Dumb-***, this amp rocks. Get it and don't look back.

Probably the most to the point response I have ever seen on a "convince me to get this amp" thread.
dont forget surf! 90 watt clean mode, full reverb, and a strat or a jag and oh does it sound pretty sweet! but seriously you need this amp. it is balls to the wall man. look at my list of crap ive owned, the one amp i have been fully satisfied with is the ElectraDyne
thanks for the input...

primal - i must have missed the non-Master-of-Puppets clips you posted...
they sound great - pretty much exactly what i was hoping to hear out of this thing!

there's also a 'high gain amp shootout' clip that rips... (just google it if you haven't heard it)
problem with that one is there's a bunch more amps on there - it can fan the gas flames if you aren't careful. (the MKV clip is the best i've heard - but that's just me)
- a full mid-bottom heavy 6L6 clean (to complement the amazing EL84 clean i get with my F-30)
- bright, thick midrange wall of distortion (i like both the british flavor and the mesa tones)
- a fluid and smooth overdrive...

Ok- yeah- the Dyne has you covered. You want wall of distortion? This is the thickest amp on the planet. The 112 combo is ridiculously stupid loud as well. I know youve heard it- but you need to understand- this thing is not a "one trick pony". With a boost up front, you can do what you need to do. And when it is all said and done, an amp in my opinion is only as good as its clean channel- there are a million ways to get gain stages- but you cant "make" clean, and the Dyne is superior to most with its very capable clean channel. And the Gain stages are brilliant as well.
If you would have told me that I would have gotten crazy for the ED (before I actually played one) I would have told you that you are nuts. Then I plugged in "just to see what the new boogie sounded like". It took all of 5 minutes to realize that the Deuce II was going the way of the Roadster (like many, I can only afford 1 amp at a time, and I keep my GAS confined to outboard gear...).
Not looking back.
Actually, I dont even plug into other amps at the shop as long as there is a Dyne there. Dont need to.
Each mode of the ED can cover a fairly wide range of good useful tones independently. However, my experience is that some compromises are necessary to achieve good footswitchable tones out of each mode. The beauty of the ED is that it is very easy to find a good footswitchable sweet spot for all modes. The downside (which may just be me) is that you do not have the flexibility to "fine tune" each mode independently without affecting the other modes. Hey, an easy to dial good sounding clean, lo gain and hi gain sound (footswitchable) with minimal fuss was the primary objective of the ED design. IMO, Mesa nailed this with the ED.

However, I much prefer the incredible flexibility and great sounds that I get out of my MkV. I find the V very easy to get great sounds out of all channels/modes/power settings when using my ears and playing my guitar.

Hey, I like both amps very much and plan to keep both, but the V is my preferred amp and my number 1 for rehearsals and gigs without question. Great tones at bedroom levels are also easily achieved with the V which is just an added bonus.

My .02
MBJunkie said:
However, I much prefer the incredible flexibility and great sounds that I get out of my MkV. I find the V very easy to get great sounds out of all channels/modes/power settings when using my ears and playing my guitar.
My .02

I just got rid of my Mark V head , kept my ED combo.
I have a short head Electra-dyne on order that I'm loading with
some new =C= EL34s. Going to keep 6L6s in my combo.

I wasn't hangin' with the Mark so much. I always get my "grail tone"
everytime I play the ED..... clean, low or high.
The Mark V is a great amp, just not for me.
Different strokes, right ?
I find that for studio/recording, I can find awesome tones for any requirement, but in
particular the clean mode is the S***. Simply brilliant. I've use both Lo/Hi modes for recording
as well, when I have the time to EQ it to taste, and depending on which axe I'm using.

Now for live performance (which is why I've been using my ED a lot lately) It's very
simple for me. Vintage Lo all the way, master volume @10:00-11:00, pedals on the front
end for a little chorus, or a little more gain if needed. My Strat cleans up very nicely
with a volume adjust.

So, although not as tweakable a some, you can still dial in an amazing range throughout
the modes. But for live, it's the best plug'n'play I've ever owned. Oh, to be noted, every time
I plug into this baby it's as sweet as the first time. Very hard to quit once you start.
I mean, I've been late for stuff, and I'm never late!
mind is made up.

must... buy... electradyne...

i just sent my stock TS9 to analogman for his 808/brown mod. I cannot WAIT to run this (and my silver mod TS9) through the ED... once i BUY my ED that is...

need a little more time before i pull the trigger.

must... be... patient...
dudleydawson said:
mind is made up.

must... buy... electradyne...

i just sent my stock TS9 to analogman for his 808/brown mod. I cannot WAIT to run this (and my silver mod TS9) through the ED... once i BUY my ED that is...

need a little more time before i pull the trigger.

must... be... patient...

Hang in there dud....it's worth the wait.

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