ElectraDyne -Clean Level control-: Is mine not working???

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Active member
Mar 3, 2009
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New Jersey
Hi all,

I have a new ElectraDyne head, and I'm trying to get this control to actually adjust the level of the clean channel. No matter which way I turn it, there's no difference at all in volume. Am I doing something wrong here? Very curious.

Thanks! :mrgreen:
I've had my ED 2x12 combo a couple of weeks now and if I'm not mistaken, the clean level control (on the back of the amp) only works at low volumes. It's intended use is for low level, i.e. bedroom or small club settings.....at least that's what the owners manual sez?? If you turn it all the way to the right, it bypasses completely. Mine seems to work really well when the master is between 6 and 9:00, and the toggle is switched to hi/lo. Hope this helps.
Hi Toneocaster,

Thanks so much for the speedy reply, I was just curious if I should hear this control actually 'lower' the volume while I'm playing in the clean channel, while turning it from the 'bypass'(all the way up) position then turning it on down, which I hear no trimming effect at all. I'm trying this at a very low volume level in an apartment late at night going through a 4x12" cabinet. Hmm.
I have the switch in the normal 'center' position, I was under the impression that the trim control worked in all 3 modes, I guess I could be wrong. That is one gorgeous ED combo you have there, by the way! 8)
Trim toggle set to Clean allows trimming of the clean mode to balance with Hi/Lo gain modes.
Trim toggle set in the middle bypasses the trim circuit...it does not trim all modes
Trim toggle set to Hi/Lo only trims Hi/Lo....clean stays very loud. One might set their trim toggle to this position if they were looking to achieve a more "traditional blues" sound out of Hi/Lo modes, and wished to play their clean mode loud and proud.

Most people set their clean toggle to clean and trim back on the trim level knob to better match the volume levels of the Lo and Hi gain modes. It works very well for this, but do realize the amount of trim level will greatly depend on the channel volume knob setting....the higher the channel volume setting....the more you will likely wish to trim back on the clean trim level in the back of the amp to achieve a decent footswitchable balance in all 3 modes.

Hope this helps.
LesPaul666, thanks so much! I ran into my ED quite by accident.....in the right place at the right time....one could say. I'm still learning how to use mine and it's fairly simple, just the way an amp should be. You probably need to spend time just tweaking and experimenting. I did forget to mention that the main volume has to be set fairly low for you to reap the benefit of the level control in the back. Spend some time and get back with the results......worse case, your ED could in fact be defective.....but probably not!

MBJunkie said:
Trim toggle set to Clean allows trimming of the clean mode to balance with Hi/Lo gain modes.
Trim toggle set in the middle bypasses the trim circuit...it does not trim all modes
Trim toggle set to Hi/Lo only trims Hi/Lo....clean stays very loud. One might set their trim toggle to this position if they were looking to achieve a more "traditional blues" sound out of Hi/Lo modes, and wished to play their clean mode loud and proud.

Most people set their clean toggle to clean and trim back on the trim level knob to better match the volume levels of the Lo and Hi gain modes. It works very well for this, but do realize the amount of trim level will greatly depend on the channel volume knob setting....the higher the channel volume setting....the more you will likely wish to trim back on the clean trim level in the back of the amp to achieve a decent footswitchable balance in all 3 modes.

Hope this helps.

Well said MBJ. Should be made a sticky in this section.
Thanks Birdy!

I am glad that you feel my response is worthy of a sticky! :D

Honestly, I am really just paraphrasing what is written in the ED manual....., but also very much agree with the manual's explanation on the trim feature based on my experiences with the ED. :mrgreen:
I might be missing something here, but from the OP I thought we were talking about the "clean level" and not the gain trim.

The gain trim has the effect of turning down the gain for only the mode it is set to eg Clean or vintage lo\hi.

The clean level control is like a second master volume inserted only in the clean mode. The clean level adjust makes the most difference for me at moderate volume when there is very little tube compression happening. I run my clean level around 80% At higher levels I get a clean volume boost and at lower levels I fall out of the mix.
Good catch JJ.....it seems that I have mispoken......slightly!

So much for my post being a "sticky"...oh well! :mrgreen:

I just took a quick look at the ED manual, and indeed the clean level knob in the back of the amp is apparently available to reduce the clean mode level regardless of the setting of the gain trim toggle setting (even bypassed). However, the manual says that it is really only effective at low master volume levels.

My experience with the ED is that "low master volume levels" with the ED are at 8:30 maybe 9 at tops when the channel volume is set to 1 o'clock or higher.

Honestly, my preferred sounds from the ED out of the lo and high gain modes was with the channel volume set to 2 - 3 o'clock, but I did not care for my clean sound in the "clean mode" with the channel volume set that high.....so....I pretty much "always" set the gain trim in the back of the amp to "clean"......which resulted in an "apparent" channel volume setting for clean mode of about 11 - 12 o'clock. Even then....my clean mode sound was typically much louder than my lo and hi gain sounds (with the master volume set from say 9 - 10 o'clock)....so I used the clean level knob in the back of the amp to back down the clean mode volume to more closely balance it with the lo/hi gain modes.

This was critical for me to find decently balanced footswitchable sounds from all modes. FWIW.....clean sounds are very important to me. Balanced sounds between all 3 modes is also important to me for rehearsals and live gigs.

Anyway....thanks JJ for the post, and I am sorry if I have caused any confusion!

By all means, experiment guys and best of luck.
It's all good. :D

Back to the original post, if the clean level is not responding then it does sound like there is a problem. Perhaps a broken wire internally ?
If you're playing on the clean channel, and turning the clean level knob on the back to zero does not lowel your volume to zero, then yes you have a problem.

And none of this has anything to do with the three-way gain trim switch. ;)
formisano said:
If you're playing on the clean channel, and turning the clean level knob on the back to zero does not lowel your volume to zero, then yes you have a problem.

And none of this has anything to do with the three-way gain trim switch. ;)

What he said!

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