Electra Dyne w 25w Greenbacks

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Active member
Apr 16, 2011
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Amarillo, Texas
Greetings Y'all,

I'm a newbie here and was lucky enough to find what I think is a one of a kind Electra Dyne. An old friend of mine who is from my hometown of Amarillo Tx. worked for Mesa for years and was given an Electra Dyne as a parting gift. The amp is covered in green tolex with a tan handle and corners and came loaded with Celestion 25w Greenbacks. I simply love this amp but am a bit worried that I'll fry the speakers if I use it in the 90w setting. I am really blown away by this amp and would love to hear y'alls input if you think the speakers will fry?? Thanx in advance for all the help and I look forward to being a member! :p
We need pictures!

I'm betting EL34's and the greenbacks probably sound pretty sweet. No idea about frying the speakers though. Sorry can't help you there.
toneocaster said:
I actually have some cool pics but couldn't figure out how to post them?? Help please! :)

You need to have the pictures someplace you can link to them online (Like Photobucket for instance). Once you do, when you post, above this box is a list of different things, the last three being [*], Img and URL.

Click the Img button, this will create an IMG tag in the body of the message. Then paste your link, then click the Img button again and it will produce a closing IMG tag.

Really sweet!
You are right, that amp could blow those speakers straight outta there if you aren't careful. You might want a power soak of some kind, just a 3db or 6db drop will dramatically cut the wattage.
I believe that a 1-12 ED combo came with C90's from the factory, so I guess a 2-12 ED combo came with V-30's?? I love the Greenbacks on the 45w, but really need to make a speaker swap so I can enjoy the 90w mode as well. I'm thinking of a pair of WGS Veteran 30 and ET-65's to replace the Greenbacks. That speaker combo sounds really great with my Fuchs ODS, so today is set aside for speaker experimentation day! :D .........any and all thoughts are welcome!
I thought about just using my Fuchs ext. cab, but I was looking more to make the ED more portable and less space on stage? I gotta say that the WGS combo sounds really good, but so do the 25w Greenbacks, which are 16 ohm I might add, wired to 8 ohm. The Fuchs cab is wired to 4 ohms.
In my opinion....anyone that owns an ED needs to try Greenbacks.
You can EQ most speakers for great tone with this amp, but at low
to REALLY loud medium levels, Greenies are a great match.
I mostly have mine set to 90w all the time just because I prefer the
"fuller" tone in all modes.
" but at low to REALLY loud medium levels, Greenies are a great match."

Man, I totally agree, but I'm just running the pair........50w verses 90w.....it's just a matter of time till they blow?
toneocaster said:
" but at low to REALLY loud medium levels, Greenies are a great match."

Man, I totally agree, but I'm just running the pair........50w verses 90w.....it's just a matter of time till they blow?

As long as your not playing at stadium levels AND keep the bass down, you should
be ok. A friend of mine played his 100w Marshall head thru a gutted 2x12 combo cab with
Greenbacks for years at insane, earbleed volume levels with no problems.

And by the way...nice rig toneocaster !
Thanks Birdy and you talked me into it!! I really dig the greenies and if they do blow someday, it's only a couple hundred bucks.........not that I'm a rich man, but it sure wouldn't be the end of the world! :D
I have the same attitude. If thats what I wanted to do then I would do it and take the risk. A lot of people are more risk adverse than us though :lol:

Keep things moderate and the speakers should have a good long life. If you start to hear bad things, like "farting out" or to much cone cry then back off as that is a sign you are at the limit of what they can take. Any poping or scratching type sound is very bad and indicates mechanical failure will not be long.
someone mentioned EL 34`s........how do you know that?....why do you think? i find that very interesting.jeffp
I would love to hear this amp with greenbacks!!! Any clips floating around?!

FWIW, I wouldn't worry for a second about running greenbacks in the 90 watt mode. As long as you're not foolish with the levels it should be fine. I tend to think the power ratings on celestion's are a bit under rated.
After switching to a Vintage 30 and an Eminence Tonespotter, I put the Greenbacks back in the ED and figure what the heck, if I by chance I fry a speaker...or both, I'll just replace them. I tend to like to swap things around looking for better tone, my addiction these days! If I do change them again, I'll probably go with 2 Weber Thames or a Blue and Silver Bell Weber. BTW Don, I really enjoy the vids on You Tube! Great job!

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