EL34s What are you using these days?

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Riff Blister

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
St Paul, Mn.
Ha! I came home from work today after getting my a$$ kicked all week and went straight to my guitar to blow off some steam.
I fired up the Stiletto and played for about twenty minuets when I was treated to a light show as my EL34s decided to blow. :shock:
Time for a new set. What should I try this time?
I didn't like the Mesa stamped originals. I've use the Winged Cs and the Mullard re issues. Although different I liked them both. What about JJs?

Just looking for some input.
Before switching recently to KT77s, I used JJ E34Ls in my Recto for years. They seem to retain the lows of 6L6s, but have the upper mids and highs of a regular EL34. My Stiletto came with E34Ls already in it, but one of them got broken in shipping, so I stuck a pair of Mesa EL34s in the outer sockets, and it still sounds good.

I've heard a lot of good things about the Winged Cs, but haven't got around to trying them.
When those tubes went last night they really fried. As I looked over the top into the back of the amp the two on the right side where a solid bright orange glow. Kicking out some serious heat too! I shut it down right away. I put the old stock tubes back in once it cooled down but the amp is humming loudly now. I'm hoping it's not a bigger problem. The tubes I put in are quite old
and could be shot too.
The JJ's I swapped to are the E34L's, NOT El34s. Tighter lows and mids. It was like switching from a carvin 4x12 cab to my current Stiletto 4x12 cab,... instantly tighter and more articulate. Using a head with the cab or tubes it was voiced for makes a big difference. I would say the E34's are way more suited for the amp if you want the articulation and want more of the 'tite' setting type tones.
Riff Blister said:
When those tubes went last night they really fried. As I looked over the top into the back of the amp the two on the right side where a solid bright orange glow. Kicking out some serious heat too! I shut it down right away. I put the old stock tubes back in once it cooled down but the amp is humming loudly now. I'm hoping it's not a bigger problem. The tubes I put in are quite old
and could be shot too.

If it's humming, I would get it to a tech. You may have blown a grid resistor, or possibly something in the bias supply.
mikey383 said:
If it's humming, I would get it to a tech. You may have blown a grid resistor, or possibly something in the bias supply.

I tried the amp on Sunday for a short while and there was no humming. :? I haven't had time to really run it through it's paces.
I'm wondering why the fuse didn't blow when the tube/ tubes went. :?:
Tung Sol EL34B's worked well for me. I've had 'em in for over a year and no issues yet; spares are standing by and ready to go though! :mrgreen:
I recently traded one of my Laney VH100R for a Stiletto Ace. This is the second time owning one and I must say that I'm very impressed. But anyway, I retubed the Ace with Winged C El34 and it sounds great! I've always been a big fan of SED. I've tried sovtek, EH, JJ's, and Chinese. IMO I have not heard a better sounding production tube that not only sounds great but very reliable. Two thumbs up for SED!
mikey383 said:
Before switching recently to KT77s, I used JJ E34Ls in my Recto for years. They seem to retain the lows of 6L6s, but have the upper mids and highs of a regular EL34.

+1. I use E34L and KT77 exclusively (and simultaneously) in my Rivera.
Had JJ KT77's in a VHT 50/ST head and thought they sounded really good. I have JJ EL34L's in a VHT 50/12 combo
right now. I didn't like them at first but then I discovered the bias was way off. After rebiasing it the amp sounds
great. I had SED =C= EL34's for a MKIV awhile back in the outer sockets and they lived up to all the good things
people have been saying about SED's.
I just bought a re-tube set from eurotubes for my Ace combo. I did the high gain option w/E34l's and new tube rec. Ordered Friday morning they were shipped that afternoon. I should get them monday or tuesday. Anything I should know as far as anything tricky to look out for or is it pretty much plug and play?
Winged C's works best for me in the Stiletto and MKV - more definition, response and "character" than JJ's IMHO
My wife got me a set of Mesa's STR 447's to replace the stock tubes and I think the 447's sound great. I don't know if you can still get them from MB, but it would be worth checking out, in my opinion.
flieger67 said:
My wife got me a set of Mesa's STR 447's to replace the stock tubes and I think the 447's sound great. I don't know if you can still get them from MB, but it would be worth checking out, in my opinion.

The 447s ARE the stock tubes. The only EL34s that Mesa offers are the 447 and the 450, which is a NOS Siemens (at $150 a pair).

They're pretty weak sounding in the grand scheme of things, and there are much better tubes for the money.
flieger67 said:
My wife got me a set of Mesa's STR 447's to replace the stock tubes and I think the 447's sound great. I don't know if you can still get them from MB, but it would be worth checking out, in my opinion.

Your wife buys tubes for you? :shock:

I think you've got yourself a keeper there :wink:
I use Shuguang EL34 - a.k.a Ruby. 8) Very warm and harmonic some of the best tubes for the buck.

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