EL-34s in my Nomad - what to expect?

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Nov 28, 2007
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I am experimenting further with my Nomad 55 combo and want to swap the 6L6s for EL-34s. Wondering what changes I might expect in my clean channel and what effect if any the EL-34 tubes will have on the tone in the gain channels.

As always thanks for sharing! :p
I'll preface by saying I'm not a big fan of EL34's, even in Simul-class amps. To my ears EL34's are smoother and "broader", but less defined and articulate, less crisp than 6L6s. I like the focused bass and tight highs of 6L6s. My first Boogie was a Nomad 55 1x12 combo. I ran EL34's when I first got the amp. After switching to 6L6's I never looked back. I was able to find some interesting tones with ELs, but I find the palette of 6L6s more to my liking. Of course, it's purely a matter of personal preference.

Have fun experimenting...
Hmm... Well there's some food for thought. I am not exactly in any position to throw down a bunch of $$$$ for a new pair of EL34s and then be disappointed.

I am actually most concerned that with the EL34s, the bass response will diminish and I won't have "glassy" cleans.

But at the same time I do play lead in a rock/alternative rock band and I find that my Nomad tends to be a bit shy on boasting edginess when I want to break out a stronger lead tone.
I just put 6 EL34EH's in my triple rectifier and I couldn't be happier. It still has that recto low end, but I find the mid crunch alot more satisfying now. The cleans didn't really seem affected much to my ears. Hope that helps.
you might also consider a JJ KT77 similar to an el34 but with better bass. I really want to try both kt77's and el34 in my nomad.
Thanks for the responses - I have now switched over to the EL34s in my Nomad 55 1x12 combo and for the good of others, I would like to share the results of the swap! I popped in a pair of the Mesa STR-147 EL34s (gray rating) which are rebranded Sovteks. Well, I must say that I couldn't be happier with the tone!

With the EL34 tubes, my Nomad's channel 1 (clean) sounds like glass - think vintage Fender. With the 6L6's this channel always sounded nice, but I wouldn't have dared to call it extraordinary. I now feel comfortable describing my clean tone as "extraordinarily" clear and shimmering.

Channel 2 (moderate gain) sounds punchier and more present. The basic tonal character that I liked before the swap is still there, but just more defined without any notable loss in the lower end frequencies. I like it better than before.

Channel 3 (high gain) sounds similar to a Marshall Plexi tone. I officially declared this channel "unusable" when I had the 6L6s in there. The change in this channel is the biggest surprise of all and sounds just searing, yet warm and defined with my Les Paul Standard. WOW!

Please note that after the OT swap, I experimented with different preamp tubes in V1: a Mesa SPAX7 (too dark), GT 12AX7-C (great cleans/undefined gain) and a TAD 12AX7A-C (THE WINNER!). The TAD tube was the winner by far by emphasizing the glassy character of the clean tones and a more focused and compressed tonality in the gain on both channel 1 & 2. The TAD was a perfect compliment to the new power tube switch. I tested all of these combinations with a Les Paul Standard and a ash Tele with hot single coil pickups. In the end, I have sonic sweetness all around!
nomad100hd said:
Jerk now I'm going to have to buy some el34's! :lol:

Well I just hope you like 'em in your hundred watt Nomad as much as I do on my 55. I will say that the Mesa EL34 STR-147 tubes seem to be a much better build quality than the 6L6GC-STR-440s.

Oh yeah and don't forget considering this TAD 12AX7 preamp tube for V1: http://item.express.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ExpressItem&item=120198066166

I ordered a second one yesterday for backup. :wink:

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