EH pedal Chain thru My Mark V

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Jun 30, 2009
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I was looking for suggestions on pedal order through my Mark V, I will likely go through the FX loop. Here is what I have:

Big Muff
Small Stone
2880 looper and foot pedal
Flanger Hoex
Sterio Memory man w/ haz.

Just curious, why go through the loop with all your pedals?? I would put modulation effects through the loop sure, yet OD, compression, wah usually work better (my opinion) in front of the pre amp, meaning in front of the amp input.

I have a Mark V too, let me know what works best for you, so I can try it too :D
That was actually what I was thinking, using the Big Muff in front and every thing else in the loop, I just want some ideas of order so I can pin point a good initial set up order. Right now this is what I'm thinking:

Send->Small Stone->Flanger Hoex->Mem. Man->2880->Return

Yeah, that sounds like a good place to start. I have been running my wah, compressor, clean boost and tube screamer in front of the amp and then using my Axe-FX in the loop for effects, mostly delay and modulation...with a bit of pitch shifting thrown in here and there.

Seems to work well. I did this maimly because I want to be able to bypass the effects loop completely, via foot switch, if I don't want the effects. Then, hopefully, there is no tone sucking from the effects loop. Now, I haven't been disappointed with the loop so far, no major tone lost, yet I have only played one gig and am still really in the tweaking stages of using the Mark V.

Try our the string you mentioned and see what it feels like.

Have fun!
So far, pretty good. These are true bypass pedals, so I thought that meant, when they are not on, they are not robbing tone. I have a Barber Tone Press, Keeley Modded TS808, RC Booster. Then the wah is a Bad Horsie II and it robs when it's on, yet I don't know a wah that doesn't. When it's off, I don't feel like it's a problem. the cool thing about the Bad Horsie is that it only engages when your foot is moving the pedal, when my foot is off the pedal, the pedal is off.

Let me know if you find a better way...

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