Effects loop

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Apr 1, 2010
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I have a Boss CH-1 and DD-3 in the effects loop of my mark five and have noticed that when these pedals are engaged the sound distorts like it is peaking. I have replaced the pre amp tube v6 and it still does it.. is this normal?
Someone else may chime in with more knowledge than me, but I think most Boss pedals are made to run in front of the amp, not the effects loop.
I run a Line 6 M9 in my V's effects loop with no problems... I would presume that golfnguitarz has put his finger on your issue - maybe Boss pedals are just not designed for use in a loop...

That being said, have you adjusted the effects level to see if that helps?
I ended up lowering the e level on the pedal and inceasing the loop level on the back of the amp... seems to have worked... still dont no why it would do it in the first place though!!
check the pedal settings, maybe you are using them very high..with this amp its not necesary to that, try somthing a little bit softer and see what happens
i put my dd3 at the end right before my amp so i goes guitar-ns2-loop of ns2-dunlop wah and maxon od808*-end loop- ns2 output-dd3-amp best results i think also it says to do this in the manual.

plus i searched a while ago when i started to get back into anolog pedals and it said anything other than delays, overdrives, and wahs should be infront of the amp because you get a better tone outta them where as phaser, flanges, chours, acoustic sims, things to that nature should be put in the effects loop. I did it and it seems to work out amazing for me, i also found if you want to stop guitar hum from pickups infront of the amp and if you jsut want to quiet the hum from the amps channel effects loop. Im debateing to get a rack isp noise gate for my effects loop and leaving the ns2 infront for my noisey guitars lol
I have run a variety of Boss effects in my Effects Loop and have not experienced any clipping problems. DD5, DD7, DD20, PH1R, BF2, BF3, CE2