Effects Loop Noise

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Active member
Sep 2, 2006
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I own a single rectifier and when I plug into my effects loop I get a terrible humm. Can anyone tell me what this is. I tried running my effects off of batteries but this did not have much of an effect, still noisy. Is this typical?
Hi there
Could you give us a bit more information about what effects are you using in the loop?

eliot323 said:
Hi there
Could you give us a bit more information about what effects are you using in the loop?


Sorry about that guess I should have added that to the original post. I have a Boss DD5, CH1, & an EH Holygrail. I tried removing them from the loop one at a time to see if the noise went away with no success. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Where are your send/return knobs at?

The EH HG is NOTORIOUS for developing a horrible hum.. you said you tried them seperate so it's probably not that, try getting just the DD5 working.. put your send/return both right at noon and then use the delay's volum effect knob.. if you still get a hum, look into replacing the V4 12ax7 as that controls the FX loop... could be bad.
Platypus said:
Where are your send/return knobs at?

The EH HG is NOTORIOUS for developing a horrible hum.. you said you tried them seperate so it's probably not that, try getting just the DD5 working.. put your send/return both right at noon and then use the delay's volum effect knob.. if you still get a hum, look into replacing the V4 12ax7 as that controls the FX loop... could be bad.

Thanks for the tip. I never thought of the tube as I just retubed my amp about a month ago. But I'll go ahead and give that a try, I guess I could have a bad tube.
I'm also having a problem with the effects loop but its a little different. I don't get the nasty hum. I have a DD5 in the loop and if I have it on but I'm not playing for a second it starts to get the 'cycled hum'. It stops as soon as I turn the pedal off but its really annoying. Any advice would be great!
I am still having issues with my effects loop. However it is only with the CH1 and DD5. As soon as I plug it into the effects loop the loud hum comes back, but with just the holy grail its quiet and works fine. I have read about moding the loop from a parallel to a serial loop. Would this help at all, or is it just my pedals? Any input would be appreciated.
A tid-bit I've learned from this place: Don't plug your effects into the same outlet as your amp! Ground Loop Hum (or something :?: ) Try that! :idea:
do you have the proper power supplies for the pedals? Chorus and Delays need a regulated supply. without the proper "wall-wart" you'll a nice 60hz hum at the outputs.
Dead Moon Rising said:
do you have the proper power supplies for the pedals? Chorus and Delays need a regulated supply. without the proper "wall-wart" you'll a nice 60hz hum at the outputs.
I am using the parallel adapter and pwering it off of my TU2. That should work right?
boss has 2 different wal-warts. The PSA-120 and the ASA-120G. A sticker attached to the pedal and box will indicate with AC adptor is required. The EH pedal should be run off it's own supply too.

jbird said:
A tid-bit I've learned from this place: Don't plug your effects into the same outlet as your amp! Ground Loop Hum (or something :?: ) Try that! :idea:

really??? even if the amp is plugged into say a Furman power conditioner and the pedals are powered from the pedalboard but the pedalboard's power supply goes into the power conditioner also?
If you have some pedals in the loop and some before the amp they must not share the same power supply. This will guarantee hum.

You will need one PSU for the loop pedals to share and another PSU for any pedals before the amp.

It sounds as though your TU2 is (correctly) before your amp. Do not power the loop from it.
yelly said:
If you have some pedals in the loop and some before the amp they must not share the same power supply. This will guarantee hum.

You will need one PSU for the loop pedals to share and another PSU for any pedals before the amp.

It sounds as though your TU2 is (correctly) before your amp. Do not power the loop from it.

Good point.
yelly said:
If you have some pedals in the loop and some before the amp they must not share the same power supply. This will guarantee hum.

You will need one PSU for the loop pedals to share and another PSU for any pedals before the amp.

It sounds as though your TU2 is (correctly) before your amp. Do not power the loop from it.

Thanks I will try this. This is exactly how I was connecting my pedals. Let you know what happens.

Worked great no more hum!!! Something so simple caused me so much pain. Thanks this forum is awsome.

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