effect loop question ???

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Well-known member
May 6, 2007
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tried to engage a noise suppressor last night. my girlfriend played with her fender telecaster real loud on my dual rect. and there was a lot of hiss and stuff. I tried to get rid of it with the noise suppressor but it did´nt work. How does the effect loop work in a dual recto????? i have the effect loop on "normal" settings
That loop is a parallel type, so things like noise gates (suppressors) don't work very well. Try turning the MIX level all the way up ( 90% ), but even there you will have some signal still going around the loop ( in parallel ).

Try the suppressor out front.

First, leave the settings all the same and pull the plug from your guitar out of the input of the amp and see if the hiss and noise is still there, this way you can tell if the hiss is your amp or coming from the cable/guitar. If the noise is gone when you unplug the cable, plug it back in and back off the guitar volume all the way, then you'll know if it's the cable or guitar making the noise. I know in some outlets my Recto only likes being plugged into a power conditioner or it can get hissy. Hope this helps

Fender Tele's are notorious for hiss/buzz due to the single coil. Maybe try to swap out pickups with a hum cancelling single if she plans to keep the axe.

Definitely use your NS in front of your amp, not the efx loop.
ok. i´ll try to put the noisesuppressor first but i´m used to put it through the effects loop. on my 5150 it works super!!!!
but delay then??????can i play it through the effects loop? what should the settings be for best performance?
The delay will likely sound the best in the loop. You might try starting out with setting the pedal's mix knob to 100%/full and then using the amp's mix level knob to adjust the wet/dry mix.

You can certainly try running the delay in front of the amp but I think it's most likely that you'll prefer the delay in the loop.

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