DWAKO, you have a halfstack though, right? I find that halfstacks are NOT practice amps at all. IMHO, the Electra Dyne 1 x 12 combo was far more suitable for home use, even if it was still rather loud.
I think your problem is that you don't like how the head sounds with power tube distortion. You are a guy who likes preamp type gain tones better a la Mark V or Dual Rectifier. Having owned a Triple, I suppose you are used to a very VERY clean power section. I think the Electra Dyne is designed FOR people who like a clipped power section AND for people who like to run preamp gain for more modern tones. That is what the 45 / 90 watt switch is for. That being said, HOW LOUD do you RUN IT!!??? When I was at L&MQ, running the master at 9:30 with the volume at 2:00 (Gain Trim set to Clean) it was DEFINITELY loud enough for gigging.
Wait, were you the guy with the 2 x 12 combo with G12T 75s? Those speakers put out 97db / watt / metre which DRASTICALLY cut into headroom. You'd hit power tube distortion at the same DB level running 90watts as someone running a cab with v30s and the amp set to 45watts. Also G12T 75s have a looser cone so they sound more open at low volumes but when you crank them, they get pretty dirty.