ED Styles

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Active member
Mar 10, 2009
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Hey ED users! I just made this thread to ask what styles of music you think the ED is best suited for.

I'd say anything from Country to blues classic and hard Rock to say 80's metal and modern hard Rock.

You could do Modern metal, but you would need a boost of some sort most likely.
How would you compare it to your Mark IV? I used to own one.. now I own the Mark V. But I'm afraid I may need to sell it. So when I get a new head the Electra Dyne is one that I'm thinking about looking into. I'll have the opportunity to try one out later this week but in the meantime would just like to know what people think about it.
The ED with the volume (gain) dimed and the master at about 2 is my favorite Boogie tone... and I own a Mark IV and a DC. I have owned a Roadster, Mark III and an F50, the ED kills them as far as distortion/ lead tone. The cleans are on par with the Roadster or Mark V imo.
EricFeliciano said:
How would you compare it to your Mark IV? I used to own one.. now I own the Mark V. But I'm afraid I may need to sell it. So when I get a new head the Electra Dyne is one that I'm thinking about looking into. I'll have the opportunity to try one out later this week but in the meantime would just like to know what people think about it.

Well I love both amps. But they are really different beasts.

First off, the ED has way more bottom end then any Mark series amp. It also has a much thicker tone.

Since you know the Mark series tone, you know how it is very compressed and liquid.

I would say the ED gives you more of that Brown sound. Not near as compressed but still killer for leads with the added killer cleans.

It's good that you are going to try one.

At GC they had a Mark V combo sitting right next to an ED combo, so I fired them both up and when back and forth. The Mark V had more gain on tap though for my taste the ED has plenty of gain. What was evident right off the bat was the difference in how thick the ED was and how much more low end it had.
One more thing


As you probably already know the volume is the gain. But remember, there is a toggle switch on the back called gain trim. It has 3 positions. Off, clean, and hi/low.

If you are trying to get max gain make sure the switch is in OFF, or CLEAN.

If you have it in hi/lo, it will trim the gain.

Put it this way, here is a clip I did straight in with the ED. If you aren't getting atleast this much gain with the volume at 5 o'clock, either the switch in the back is in the wrong position, or the pups are weak.

ED can do anything but modern metal by itself- with a TS or Boost- it will do anything...better than most. I have owned a Roadster and a Stiletto
I know this may have been discussed ad nauseum, but how does the ED compare with the LoneStar Classic?
marzzz said:
I know this may have been discussed ad nauseum, but how does the ED compare with the LoneStar Classic?

I went from the 10/50/100 Lonestar head to the Electra Dyne. 6l6's and EL-34's in both amps, same speakers, FWIW. The clean channels are very similar, but i much prefer the Electra Dyne gain modes. Just my opinion, though.
I currently have a LSC, am very happy with the clean channel, but still not happy with gain channel. I am more of a classic rock as opposed to blues player, I will definitely be checking the ED out. If the cleans are pretty similar and I can get more of a marshally tone out of the Lo and Hi gain channels, this may be more of what I want in an amp. I would also like to get a high-gain liquidy lead tone, hopefully I can manage that with a pedal.....
primal said:
One more thing


As you probably already know the volume is the gain. But remember, there is a toggle switch on the back called gain trim. It has 3 positions. Off, clean, and hi/low.

If you are trying to get max gain make sure the switch is in OFF, or CLEAN.

If you have it in hi/lo, it will trim the gain.

Put it this way, here is a clip I did straight in with the ED. If you aren't getting atleast this much gain with the volume at 5 o'clock, either the switch in the back is in the wrong position, or the pups are weak.


Thanks Primal!
If this is what it does and has the cleans i have heard, then i am in for a treat come tuesday!!!!
Lately, I'm locked into John Fogerty/CCR tone in the blue channel.
All I use is a little tremolo(Born on the Bayou, Run Through the Jungle).
Absolutley NAILS JCF's tone, and then some.

Mike Ness/Social Distortion...Prison Bound, Ring of Fire, Dope Fiend Blues, etc.

Clean channel...LA Woman, Love Me Two Times, etc ala Robbie Krieger ..also
into Tom Petty/Mike Campbell a lot.

Plus my own ****/noodle ing :mrgreen:
With volume at 3:00 o'clock, master a @11-12, 90 watt mode, I can live in the blue (vintage low)
for our whole set without changing channels. The tone cleans up very nicely when I lower at the
guitar or volume pedal. I do use some pedals, including a TS9 with the drive at '0' and the level
maxed for just a little extra kick during solos. Mostly classic rock/pop styles with a bluesy element.
Main axe is an EJ Strat. I've had my ED since December, and I've never been happier with an amp
in my life, despite it's weight. +1 on the "brown sound" comments. When I plug in my Les Paul I
can head into totally different territory tonally, it's just not the tone I need for the group I'm currently
working with. :wink:
For such a simple amp it has so much versatility. It can do amazing clean (better than my MV and roadster imo), amazing crunch (different, but just as good as my stiletto), and amazing hi gain work (different, but imo better than my roadster and MV). I have had the dyne since october and the honey moon is still going strong
I use either my Les Paul, SG, or Charvel into a pedalboard with the following pedals (in order):

Guitar > Bad Horsie II Wah > BYOC Phaser > Boss TU2 Tuner > EH LPB1 Boost > Amp

Then I come out of the effects loop send on the amp and go to a Boss DD20 delay and MXR 10-band graphic EQ for lead volume boosts.

My band plays everything from Foghat, Van Halen, and Poison to Nickleback, Puddle of Mudd, and Theory of a Deadman. I mainly stay on the Vintage Hi mode and leave the EH LPB1 Boost off. Sometimes I'll kick it on for really over-the-top gain. I use the Vintage Lo mode on some songs if I'm in that mood (AC/DC, Zeppelin, etc...) But have lately just been leaving it on the Vintage Hi mode.

This amp sounds good playing all of those styles. I have a crapload of videos on YouTube demonstrating it.
weatherman - help me out!
i see you have an F50 and an electradyne -
comparison please?

I have an F-30 combo - run with a 3/4 back cab... love it but thinking about adding a few sounds - the electradyne looks awesome on paper.... none nearby to play with!

how do they compare - bear in mind, i'm not looking to replace one with the other - i want to use them both!
Haha i used to have an f-50...i need to update my list of gear. The electra dyne is much better than the f-50. in all aspects. the electra dyne clean is a tad better than the f-50 because it is more versatile. you can crank the gain on the clean mode and get a nice crunch goin on. the dyne has less gain than the f-50 but the quality of the tone on the overdrive modes is waaaaay better. the reverb is also much better. sorry gotta run, but let me know if u need any more details