Early arrival! MKV combo-new amp day

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
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Was pleased yesterday when my local guitar monger calls me up...I was expecting maybe my 2x12 came in but it didnt.Now the proud papa of a shiny new MarkV combo.I must admit you guys were right about this beast.I mean,I knew I would be happy with it having tried it out allready but I wasnt prepared.
I was on channel one for an hour or two initially...wouldnt expect these tones coming from an Ibanez 7.CCR-Chris Issaac-hell anything you can think of is right there.Even tried out my Breedlove and was lost in there as I said-for about two glasses of sweet tea.
Channel two didnt impress me initially(but after I messed with channel 3 for a bit)but was able to get some really nice action there as well.The ac/dc crunch...seems I was having trouble with it cutting a little more than channel 3 at first.As I aim to use it for bridges and such-prior to ripping your head off with channel 3.
Now...channel 3..decisions decisions hehe.I LOVE THIS! So far Im at home with the mark IV setting but really enjoyed the extreme and llC+ as well.Maybe I was just running the gain to high for the extreme setting but I've nothing but time ;)
Anyhow,cant wait to try it with the 2x12.And maybe one day (next year) Ill settle on settings and start writing again lol.Aside from this I can see my wife getting jealous.Cheers
Congrats, Deadfall. I use my combo with a 2X12 and it sounds awesome (though I was suprised how good it sounds by itself as well). Adding the 2X12 adds just the little bit extra.