Dyne problems

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
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Under the Big Sky...
(Note I didn't say "ED problem"...). So, recorded the ED last night, everythings working out, no issues, tracks laid- all went well, total blast....so, this morning I haul in the rig, set up, get plugged in, turn on and play a bit and I notice the sound is "distant"- kind of like reversing the send and return cables in the loop- but that's not it- connevtivity is rock solid...I change modes, same thing. Put the amp in standby, then check for lightning in the power tubes...nothing looks out of the ordinary...cables all connected correctly...start getiing a little frustrated. I plug my board into a different amp...everything works...back to the Dyne- same crap. Oh, and now we start service in about 40 minutes, and rehearsal for me at least is troubleshooting a gear issue- and my GT8 (back-up "rig") is at home. So I take the Dyne off stage and plug the board into the "saving" amp...a Peavey Express...yeah- don't laugh- at least the Peavey works, although I laid back and pretty much relegated my playing to rhythm....pissed.
All this just after really contemplating about how awesome recording would have been if I had an Axe FX....not that the Dyne didn't work- but redialing in sound after sound for each track, remicing, having to revisit the iso room for small adjustments...maybe God is trying to tell me something.
Better be a benign tube problem, or I could be done with glass. At least for my "A" rig....
Hey Laskyman. I had the "distant" sound like you described. It was the V1 tube for

I get home, ready to diagnose a 12ax7 issue- amp fires up. Sounds as good as ever. Hook up the board, same "sounds great" result. I guess I had some operator error in there somewhere........dang- BUT, at least the amp is all good!
That's good to hear !

Y'know....I had a problem on my pedal board once with my 'dyne. The last pedal
on my board was my DD3 and I had a loose input on the pedal and it drove me
nuts 'til I wiggled the cable going into the pedal. It also gave a "distant"
kinda tone to the amp. I thought I had an FX loop problem with the amp at first.
Next time (if) it does it, try taking the cables out of the send/return out back and
see if it makes a difference.

Just a thought.
Laskyman said:
All this just after really contemplating about how awesome recording would have been if I had an Axe FX....

This is where the axe fx slays. Don't get me wrong, I love the Electra Dyne. But even after spending all that time finding ways I can hook the ED up to silent record, I find I can get pretty much the exact same tone if I dial in the "brown sound" amp sim on the Axe Fx. This is based on the Eddie Van Halen modified Marshall. You know, the one Eddie claims to have not modified.

Hell, as I post this now I am plugged into the Axe FX with the axe fx output going into my tascam and me jamming through the headphones. I have been working on getting smoother at Eruption and have gone nuts when I found that Dweezil Zappa posted his Eruption settings for the Axe FX.

Plus, you get in the mood for recto, it's in there. Mark IV, it's in there. Mark IIC+, it's in there. Cranked Plexi, it's in there. And about 60+ other classic amps.

I know you are scared about giving up your pedal board, but I don't think you would be disappointed in the end. Even if for some reason you could not get the exact same tones with the axe running as your effects only with the ED, you would be so overwhelmed with everything else it can do it would not make a difference.
Yeah- I have been threatening for a long time- I have spent literally years researching the AXE- but recording an "real" amp exposes it warts and all- and to be honest, and AXE is simply better in that environment. I am ready. I mean it this time...so much so that I have expressed my interest to my wife.....I intend on breaking out all the boxes and literature from my pedals tonite...really. I mean it....if it isn't for me- I will know first hand. Just need some scratch.
Laskyman said:
Yeah- I have been threatening for a long time- I have spent literally years researching the AXE- but recording an "real" amp exposes it warts and all- and to be honest, and AXE is simply better in that environment. I am ready. I mean it this time...so much so that I have expressed my interest to my wife.....I intend on breaking out all the boxes and literature from my pedals tonite...really. I mean it....if it isn't for me- I will know first hand. Just need some scratch.

You will be happy you did. Plus, if for some reason you find it isn't for you, you could probably recoup almost all your money selling it as the resale on these is insane.

If you spend most of your time recording, or even gigging where you are running through a PA, it is simply a no brainer. And it really does the boogies exceptionally well.

I had to sell a Mark IV head to pickup mine, and I do not regret it.

It is my wife's favorite peace of guitar gear as well. I can now get killer tones through headphones late at night (note, you will need some type of interface or mixing board as the axe fx does not come with a headphone out). And I don't keep her awake.

All the soundproofing panels and crap that used fill up the studio are long gone.

I was even able to switch to a smaller room closer to the master bedroom and gave my daughter my old studio which was a much bigger room.

Now I will always own atleast one real tube amp. And for me right now that is the Electra Dyne.

But man, having a modeller that does such an incredible job modelling the different amps is really something. It has made basically everything I do from a recording perspective unbelievably convenient.
Laskyman said:
So I will also need a "headphone" mixer, or maybe a small set of studio monitors, right?


As I have mentioned I use my Tascam. Works great because it has a usb interface. If I am playing to backing tracks I move the backing tracks to the recorder and just play along.

I know a lot of guys use recording interfaces. I have no idea how they are regarding latency, but I imagine they must be good for as many people use them.

Basically the Axe FX has stereo one set of balanced outputs, and one set of unbalanced (2 sets if you could output 2 which is used primarily with the 4CM)

So you just need something that takes those.

Of course you can always go into your ED effects return, but I have to say the ED power amp section really has a huge influence on the tone. I think most of that thick tone is from the ED power amp section because it really colors the tone coming out of the Axe FX if you try and use power amp sims.
I bet the AxeFX would HAUL in situations where stage volume (or practice volume) is a huge issue! I with I had the $$$s for one. It would be great to have a realistic model of every amp I'd like to own but don't want to fork out the money for. Then I could sell my Dual, get a 'Dyne, and be done with it. Oh well. I guess this is the only 'real' way to get cranked tones at bedroom volumes.
The Dyne, in a recording environment, has some flaws. I have never noticed them playing live, but quality mics in a controlled "dead" room leave very little room to hide. I love my ED, not willing to part with it, but am ready to go the AXE route. I plan on having one within 2-3 months, God willing. Aiming for an Ultra, let's hope I am able. Plugging in to a cranked big-boy amp is the most fun you can have dressed, but controlled volume "all-in-one" high quality is definately attractive to me right now. I am ready.
How are the effects in the AXE when run through an amp like the ED? I was thinking of the G System but then thought I could do the AF standard for a little more and have the amp models also.
The routing in the AXE FX is vastly superior than the TC G system. Also, I prefer the ability to have COMPLETE control of all effect parameters as well as the effect chain- the TC does not allow you to. Also keep in mind the axe has drives and ODs as well- the TC doesn't. Plus the best modeling available at this time. I have a killer board with breath-taking effects- I have . The Axe FX is easily an equal to my board by way of effect quality and ability- many people contend that the Fractal is an equal to Eventide and Lexicon- and from what I have heard, I would agree- they do a great job! I have been leaning this way for YEARS, finally just got the stones to say "its time".....
The routing in the AXE FX is vastly superior than the TC G system. Also, I prefer the ability to have COMPLETE control of all effect parameters as well as the effect chain- the TC does not allow you to. Also keep in mind the axe has drives and ODs as well- the TC doesn't. Plus the best modeling available at this time. I have a killer board with breath-taking effects- I have . The Axe FX is easily an equal to my board by way of effect quality and ability- many people contend that the Fractal is an equal to Eventide and Lexicon- and from what I have heard, I would agree- they do a great job! I have been leaning this way for YEARS, finally just got the stones to say "its time".....
Oh, one more thing. I realize it is not quite the unit the AF is but how do the effects compare on the eleven rack? Interested more in effects then amp models since I really like my ED.
In a nutshell, I would not under any circumstances part out *my* pedalboard for an Elevenrack. To be perfectly clear- a Boss GT10, hell, a Boss GT8, absolutely destroys the 11 with effect capability. The 11 has superior amp models, but flexibility and effect quality have to go to either GT. The AXE is in an entirely different category than alll of the above- and it should be because you pay for it. Plus its made in the USA- just like my boogie.
The 11 is great if you really only need "amp models", or prefer a simpler, more intuitive interface. I dont mean to knock the 11, but I think its apple and oranges versus Fractal. I thought about getting an 11, and then using my board with it. But the 11 has "limits" which the Axe does not.I have both manuals downloaded on my CPU- after reading and researching the AVID rack, i lost interest. Limits are not attractive to me, and the idea of paying for new firmware when Axe owners have been treated FREE firmware with new models, effects, drives, and such for as long as the product was created, Thats the business model I want to support....
However- your needs may be different than mine.
Download the Axe Edit software- its free, and gives you an idea of how ridiculously powerful the Axe is....if you can dream it, it can do it provided you dont over tax the internal CPU...
Another selling point for my is both the debut album for Periphery, and Animals as Leaders- it is pretty extreme 7 string thrash, but all of the guitarwork was done fractal direct with NO post processing on the guitars- it sounds amazing to me (I understand this style of music isnt for everyone- but I really enjoy it- if nothing else, you can check it out on youtube for reference alone, then draw your own conclusion)...hope this helps

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