Dumble vs MKI

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Apr 19, 2009
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Can anyone tell, does any know, the difference in tone when Santana is tracking with his Dumble Vs. his MarkI? I am listiening to the Ceremony remix album and was just wondering. I am very curious about the Curacion....my guess is mark1 as it has that clank type attack on the notes.

Any thoughts?
From what I know, CS used the Dumbles as his main guitar sound and kicks in the Mark for the lead work. There is a couple good pics of his rig on line with two Dumbles in a road case. along with two Mark 1's, two Tone Tubby 4x12's (For the Dumbles) and two Boogie 1x12's loaded with EVM12's for the Boogies. From what I can dig up this is the same rig that he uses for the studio.
I would be hard pressed to tell a Dumble and a Mark 1 apart in a studio setting, so I will leave the rest of your question alone.
I am really interested in this too!

I haven't heard much after the Supernatural CD.
They did play something that was recently released the other day on the radio and the tone was incredibly thin sounding to me! Too bad really, Carlos's tone has always been wonderful to my ears until recently.

Maybe he was still trying to dial the tones in at the point when that song was recorded.
I am listening to Come to my World right now and the solo tone sure as heck sounds like a CRANKED Mk.1 At least I can get that kind of feel from my MK1 more so than the two rocks I have tried.
Based on an interview I read the rig above more or less nails it. 4 amps, two of them backups. I believe he also uses a pair of tubescreamers when playing lower volume gigs so he can squeeze more sustain. There was some other stuff but my brain isn't recalling it.

His tech said the Mark I was what Santana was using 90% of the time. I assume this is probably because he's playing lead 90% of the time. Thus I would assume that if you hear him playing leads then he's probably using his Mark I, and if you're hearing a clean/cleanish rhythm overdrive you're probably hearing his Dumble.

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