dumb question about the quad

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2007
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the boogie manual says it was designed to go with a specific power amp, can't remember which one. common sense tells me that i should be able to use it with any poweramp or slave it into the poweramp of another amp
You can. I think it might have been designed with the Simul 395 or something like that in mind, but a power amp is basically a power amp.
thats what i thought, i really wanna try it with an el34 or el84 poweramp
Yeah you can use it with any poweramp but the general design is that of the Mark IIC/III so it would technically benefit the most from a simul class poweramp.
When the Quad came out, they reccomended the Simul-class 295 or the Strategy 400, because that's all they made. Lately, the rage has been for the later 50/50 with the Quad or Studio.