Dual Rectro 3 channel .. too loud. pull 2 tubes..????

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Jun 13, 2008
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I have a Dual Rectro 3 channel Boogie.. in order to get " my tone " I have to turn it up to about 3 or so.. well we all know that is way too loud for stage volume.. would pulling the 2 inside tubes ( as per owners manual to make it 50 watts ) help in my case..?????

ie: I love the tone I am getting.. it is just WAY too loud at gigging out ( my sound guy is not liking me much right now.. lol )

I also heard that the difference between 50 watts and 100 watts is only 3% increase in volume..

so back to my question.. anybody doing this ( pulling the 2 inside tubes ) and getting the tone they are after but can't without pulling those 2 inside tubes ( 6l6's )..????

I hope that made since..????

thanks in advance


Weber's are about 200 new (get lucky and find one used). I have not shelled out but heard some guys talking about those or the thd hot plate or dr z airbreak. Thats as far as non-REALLY-expensive alternatives. Depends on how much u u want that tone.

In my experience (opinion) pulling the 2 tubes doesn't sound as good (to me)
Less headroom, not as big, but yes softer.

This probably can be refuted, just a thought thought.

Good luck
Thanks PRSMAN88.. I had thought about that.. a hot plate wouldn't work as I use different cabinets.. but maybe a Weber one will..????

thanks again for the answer.. I WILL look into it..!!! :wink:

I just called Mesa on this.. the proper way to go about this.. again as per Mesa

you can pull 2 inside .. or two outside tubes.. then you must pull ONE Recto tube.. now it is at 1/2 the power of the amp.. after you do that you MUST change the way you plug into a cabinet..

ie: have a 16 ohm cab.. amp now MUST be plugged in as to think it is a 8 ohm cab..

got a 8 ohm cab.. run amp at 4 ohms.. etc.

ALSO... you CAN NOT run two cabinets..!!!! period.. unless you put it all back to stock.. IE: put all three tubes back in.. but then you are at full power again...

again.. this IS AS PER MESA..!!!!! not my info..