When I originally tried a Dual Rec I could dial in that "chunk" that I love. Seeing you could use a biasing switch and stick EL34s in 'er, I decided to give that a go, and never turned back. Now that I played that for the past year and a half and blew a tube the other day I've hit a road block (mental). Should I get some more EL34s, or try out the Mesa amp that's actually designed around those tubes: the Stilletto Deuce? I knew about the Stillettos while I was checking out Rectos, but none of the guitar shoppes around me had any in stock to test run. I don't think I would EVER buy a piece of high-end amplification without trying first w/ my setup. Personally, I think 6L6s are too "clangly", so I'm not even considering going back to them. I'm actually using the original 6L6s in my Recto now, and it's been bothering me quite a bit. Anyways...has anyone ever tried both a Stilletto Deuce against a Dual Rec w/ EL34s? I'm sure I could locate a GC within a few hundred miles that would have a Still, but is it worth my trouble?