Dual Rec triple channel Vs Wizard Modern Classic

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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Ok......I love my DR for my cover band because we play music that is "Boogie Friendly" . I am able to strangle some lead tones out of my amp and I am not unhappy with them in context of the cover band. however, I really want to play my own instrumental recordings and when I play them thru my DR it just does not create the lead tones I want. I can get lead tones but just not the ones I want.

So I am really thinking about taking the plunge and ordering a Wizard Modern Classic 100 watt head. I emailed the company and the amp is $4500 and takes 2 to 4 months to get yours made.

Does anyone have any experience/info on these amps ? I only know of one player who uses them and his sound is just the best thing since sliced bread.

Opinions? Suggestions ? Thanks !
I suggest you plug into that guys amp at his rehersal space before you drop that kinda cash.

His sound might be different from yours for a variety of factors. He will probably be happy to show off his amp.
Yes, I actually am going to use it at one of his soundchecks. He also is using Deizels which he prefers. I won't name drop because he is actually a well known guitarist and a friend of mine. He's really digging his Diezels more than the Wizard. Anything has to be better than the fizzy sounds my DR makes....or maybe it is just me.....
I was in the same situation.

The Mark IV fixed that in spades...and at half the price of the Wizard.

I recommend you check it out..sparkling clean to searing lead are no problem with this amp.
Thanks Ibanez. I have thought about a Mark IV. I have posted "WTB" on the BB a few times and come close a few times to getting one. I think I am just in the mood for something non-boogie at the moment. I cannot get my hands on a Mark IV but I can get my hands on a Wizard or a Herbert Diezel. If I could try a Mark IV it would be on my list as well.
yeah, dumping $4500 into an amp you aren't familiar with is just a bad decision. Go to a dealer and check out the Mark IV.
steeldragonjovi said:
yeah, dumping $4500 into an amp you aren't familiar with is just a bad decision. Go to a dealer and check out the Mark IV.

Well, that's kind of my point. I have access to the Wizard and Herbert Diezel. I have no access to a Mark IV. It's a nice problem to have actually.

The money really isn't the issue. My concern is tone. My Rectifier and all its fizziness has its place in my cover band but the tone is not what I need for originals.
Like fate or good karma...... I had gone to a local dealer 4 months ago about ordering a Mark IV. I had given the guy my wife's cell phone number by accident. So tonight my wife comes home from work and tells me she spoke to this guy about a new mark Iv that he could have for me in a week.

**** it...**** it...**** it !!!!!!
PM replied.

Honestly, I don't think you can go wrong with the Mark IV. People really underestimate everything this amp is capable of.
stompboxfreak72 said:
Like fate or good karma...... I had gone to a local dealer 4 months ago about ordering a Mark IV. I had given the guy my wife's cell phone number by accident. So tonight my wife comes home from work and tells me she spoke to this guy about a new mark Iv that he could have for me in a week.

**** it...**** it...**** it !!!!!!

haha! Talk about blowing the cover...no offense.
Oh my wife is G.A.S friendly ! She took the guys name and number and came home and told me to order it. If he can actually get me a new one that fast then i'm buying! If I hate it I'll dump it. Merry Axemas to me!