Dual Rec + TG G-Sharp problems . . . advice please ?

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Sep 10, 2006
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Had my first Boogie (Dual Rec Head) for 3 weeks now and its the most amazing amp I have ever owned or played through but I am having great difficulty getting a TC G-Sharp working in the effects loop. My setup is this;

Amp effects send to left input on processor. Left output on processor to effects return on amp. Send and return knobs on amp at 12'o'clock, channel volumes at approx 12'o'clock, input level on processor 12'o'clock. These seemed to be the recommended starting setting from reading the manuals for the Boogie and the TC. The amp is set to loop on and the master volume (output) on the amp is set to about 8'o' clock to keep the neighbours happy. The 'drykill' on the processor is engaged which effectively removes the dry signal from the loop (as was recommended for the parallel loop.

Here are the problems;

With the G-Sharp engaged but no effects selected I lose a little level but this is fine as I have read that this is normal and I can bring the level back up with the effects return level control.

If I try to engage a delay effect I can only hear the dry signal, no delay effect at all.

The worst problem seems to be with the chorus and reverb effects. As soon as I switch either of these in the G-Sharp input meters show red (overload) even with the guitar volume at nothing and I am playing nothing. There is also a horrible sound coming from the amp like some sort of digital feedback.

Both the Amp and the Processor were bought brand new in the last month and I have tried different interconnect cables just in case it was that. The amp sounds fantastic on all channels when played normally, although as this is my only amp I have no way of testing the G-Sharp without the Boogie.

I would be really grateful if anyone could give me any suggestions on things to try, I was up till around 3 am last night trying to figure it but I got nowhere !

Thanks in advance,

Matt Cockbain, UK.
Way too hot a signal for the TC. Start with your amps output up around 11:00-1:00 and turn the channel masters down for the desired volume.

TC's input at noon, out at around 1:00 for starters. FX send on amp ~noon-1:00, amp's mix around noon for a start, but I bet you will end up less than that.

That should get your FX up-and-running...adjust to taste from there. If your noise problem was digital clipping, it should be solved now...if the noise is still present, start looking for ground-loop issues. Front-end pedals and loop FX should not share the same power supply. If the TC has a grounded plug, try lifting groung with a 3-prong adapter (you will still be grounded thru the amp so its safe)
there is no reason to run in parallel, i use to play with tc stuff and they're the most transparent processor on the market. Read the manual, i'm shure they suggest to run in series. I already had a solo50 and even at 90% (the most you can get) the series loop is better than the parrallel loop (more for vintage pedal effect with a lot of noise). Anyway i just saw there's no noise gate in the G-sharp :( so try to compare at least series and parallel and go on the tech support on the tc web site, I fixed all my problem that way with my G-major... you have a great machine, i'm shure you will enjoy your tc a lot very soon! Good luck.
Thanks for the responses on this one. In the end I had to ring Mesa Boogie who were very helpful. I was told by a technician that there have been problems in the past between the Recto and some TC gear because of the parallel loop in the Recto for some reason. He suggested either getting a different effects unit or modding my amp. I took the TC back to the store and got a Lexicon which is working without problems and sounds great to my ears so I am happy again.

The tone of the Recto is totally killer, now I have some decent lead effects and an Ibanez WD wah its a really versatile set-up for a 3 channel amp.

Thanks again for the replies !
