Dual rec souding waaay too harsh!

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2006
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i realized over the past coupel of days that when turned up my recto soudns waaay too ahrsh. liek almost solid state but still has that tube growl to it. and im usind tube rectification as well. thsi happens both when fx loop is on and off. it sodun okm with earplugs on, but without earplugs it sodusn liek its gunan cut ur eardrum in half.thsi is on a 1994 2channel going through a behringer BG412H cab. heres my settings: presence 11(all in oclcok) output vol-10:30 ish bass-11, mids-11, treble-12 gain-2ish.. whats going on? is it suppsoed to soudns thsi harsh or is sumthgin funky?
It could be a lot of things, tubes, settings, cab, electricity, cables, the room, guitar pickups, pedals, etc.

We need to have a baseline of what is "harsh" and what is not. Did the tone ever sound good through the same setup or was this the first time you noticed?

When facing the speaker you will usually have a lot of highs as opposed to standing infront of the cab and being out of the direct hit treble zone. Maybe you need try making a beam blocker out of a plastic lid to place infront of the speaker cone to disperse the highs.

I don't think you're going to get a solution until you give us an idea of the problem is and providing us with details.

oh yeah ditch that cab big time. i had one a long time ago and used it with my 5150 and it completely wrecked my sound...literally.
not to dogpile, but i am REALLY not a fan of your cab. i got my recto 4x12 w/ v30's for 400 & its one fo the best puchases i have ever made.
Cab is definitely your first step.

I find the amp to be much less harsh by running the presence at about 7 o'clock (nearly 0).

Also, you may want to consider some sort of a high frequency diffuser. I am very happy with the flapjacks, especially at $16.
hey thabks alot for the replies guys. first thing ill turn down my presence, then ill try making thsoe blocker thigns. but i am alos 99% sure it is the cab as when i was reading reviews on it everyone says they have extrme high end but whne i had my shitty MG attached to it...everyhting soudned horrible. but..i msot liekly wont be able to get a new cab untill i go to uni which is a year and a half away. my parents would castrate me if they found out i was gunan drop 600 ona new cab. w.e. i gotta make due with what i got ai guess :( thanks again
theyre new tubes though. theyre onyl a couple months old.
an update though: i found out it is mostly my room that is makign the amp sound very harsh. it is a small room with alot of **** in it. i took it to my drumemrs hosue and played it at volume 4 (which si wher ei foudn it soduned very very ahrsh)( and actually didnt sound very harsh at all. still a bit too much bite for me, but much much better. a new cab is still in order thoughe ventually
Did I miss any mention of the guitar that could be in question here? I mean honestly, a tube change would be minimal, I might as well suggest changing strings/brands! Besides your cab, consider the tone from the guitar and it's components! I mean it's a culmination of a lot of elements creating what your percieving as a harsh tone, the two most relevant being the guitar and amplifier! From there, start your investigating! I've seen one of my favorite guitar players, Saga's Ian Chrichton, playing through a Behringer 4/12, he's obviously made that cab part of his tone!
im gettigna new Bill Larence L500 pickup soon so thats shoudl help a bit as well, but it is the room definitly. at the exact same voluem with earplugs in in ym drumemrs basement is just sounds goldy-fully saturated, sweaty and heavey, but i tired it again in my room, same settings, same volumer and soudned shti!!