Dual Rec 'Cant bypass loop/output' problem

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Apr 15, 2007
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Hi everyone.. Awesome forum, hoping someone might have an idea of what my issue is with my Dual Recto..

For some reason I cannot bypass the loop. I dont usually use it, but I do use the footswitch. Normally I have my loop bypassed because I dont like the Output control (I find it dirty) and so naturally use my master controls on the individual channels.

But now for some reason I set it as usual, but the only way I can control my master is with the 'loop active' Output knob.. The master channel controls dont do hardly anything, unless my Output is turned up.. its like the switch on the back isnt working..

My tubes are fairly new all around and other than that problem the amp seems fine.

Anyone else seen this?

Pisses me off, this amp has been to the shop twice since I got it (for unrelated problems) both fixed under warranty, but the store I bought it from ship it to Ho's in Vancouver each time and its always at least a few weeks before I see it again.
guess Ill phone Boogie.. dont want to ship it off if its something simple I can fix myself.

3 times now Ive had to send this to a shop, and I havent even finished paying for it yet..

have owned numerous tube heads over the years including some really beat up old Marshall stuff, and until the Boogie Ive never had any problems with any of them. :evil: