DSL vs Recto video

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Well-known member
May 11, 2006
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Recto starts. Pretty dang close in sound.

DSL lead channel 2
Recto Channel 2 Modern

using line6 mm4 to pan between the 2 amps.
wow, i don't think they sound anything alike at all. and why is the marshall higher? is is on a 4x12 and the mesa on a 2x12? and maybe its just my computer speakers but the recto seems like it has no low end. :?
I can hear a difference but I understand where its kind of similar. Basically I think the marshall it brighter and the boogie is darker. That could for many reasons.
of course there is a differance .. its a Marshall and a Recto. But it is also pretty dang close in sound .. for what it is.

the recto is plugged into a recto 2x12, on 2 cynder blocks.
I own both of these amps, each has their one thing that the other can't do however, for most versatile I have to go with the DR. The Marshall clean on channel 1 is amazing. I've come close with the 6V6 mod in the DR from Eurotubes, but still not as chimey. The Second channel on the DSL is lame, nothing inspirational about it. Now I'd like to know if the person that filmed this played the DR through the Marshall Cab? Vice versa...I'd also like to hear them seperately without that line 6...(not a fan of anything line 6 has to offer)
I agree....the line 6 has to suck some tone.

Personally, I don't think they are very similar at all, and there are quite a few things that make the comparison a bit uneven.

One, the marshall is through a 4x12 while the Mesa is through a 2x12. Different cabs also (marshall and mesa I'm guessing, probably different speakers too).

Two, the mesa seems to be much quieter, or it's not being pushed enough.
the Panner isn't sucking that much tone, .. and if it is - its sucking it out of both amps. One/Off I cant hear a differance in the higher gain settings. On with cleans, the MM4 in general drops your volume a tad.

The Cabinets have the same speakers, V30's. The DR is hooked up to a Recto 2x12 8 ohm, it is a little tighter soundingthan the 4x12. The 4x12 is a 1960 BV, with V30's.

The Recto is a little louder, but I think the high marshall mids make it cut thru more.

There is 3 vids up there now, last 2 with the Recto on Channel 3 .. gain down to 2:30, pres off, treble at noon.

also .. I dont think they sound much alike anymore either .. I am just sharing the sounds, as I know its fun to hear comparisons. I know the setup, recording, and playing are not the best .. but I just wanted to share.

It is a very cool comparison! I would dial some presence into the recto though! Bring it out more.
One sounds like there is a blanket covering the amp. The other one sounds more open and has body to it. The first one sounds terrible.

geesh .. I dont think i will post clips again.

Im sure yours sounds wonderful .. post a clip.
It wasn't terrible man, very nice concept. Need more like this. I mean, I would have different settings...maybe, but i'm sure there was tone loss even when putting on the computer! Feel free to post again my friend, remember that opinions, including my own, are just opinions, and shouldn't really have priority over your own sounds and style. One suggestion though is to have a camera operator, to be able to see which amp was being played at what time. Just a thought though.... :lol:

Interesting that Mesa's have always been considered darker yet the 1st amp in the 1st clip (Mesa) seems brighter than the 2nd amp....

xscottx9 said:

Recto starts. Pretty dang close in sound.

DSL lead channel 2
Recto Channel 2 Modern

using line6 mm4 to pan between the 2 amps.
I had compared a DSL100 and a single recto through a marshall 1960A cab when I bought the single. The single "felt" bigger, more ballsy, fatter, meaner, yet warmer. Again that is all subjective to taste. But the sr was much more to my liking. I mean don't get me wrong I liked both...but for my needs...SR was it.
I'd really like to see this done again with more presence dialed into the recto! I think it would open it up a bit more, let it cut through! Where are the mids dialed in?

Really like the idea! Any other amps to compare?
1st clip is

DR Channel 2/Modern/Bold/Diode Recto 2x12 V30's
Pres: 1:00
Bass: 10:00
Treble: 1:00
Mids: 10:00
Gain: 3:30
Master: 10:00

2nd and 3rd clip


Bass 12:00
Mid 11:00
Treble 12:00
Gain 2:30
Presence Off
Master 10.30

DSL Clip 1 and 2
Marshall Channel Lead 2 w/ith 1960BV V30 4x12 cab
Presense: 3
Treble: 4
Bass: 5
Middle: 4
Gain: 6
Master: 2

Clip 3 DSL

Presense: 0
Treble: 2.5
Bass: 5
Middle: 5
Gain: 4
Master: 2.5

I have a Fender Super Reverb RI .. I guess I could compare clean channels .. hehe

Fender Clean=Best
Marshall Clean= Good
Mesa Clean= umm .. not so good, .. I give it a C. I also have the JJ 6V6/Kt77 tubes, It helped the clan channel out alot .. But for the clips it was JJ 6L6GC's ..
xscottx9 said:

geesh .. I dont think i will post clips again.

Im sure yours sounds wonderful .. post a clip.

lol sorry, terrible is a bad word

I just meant the tone sounded really dull and flat on the recording relative to the other one on the recording
Sounds like youre using a tube screamer as a clean boost? If not, my recto sounds nowhere near as tight with those settings you listed :shock:
Is the recto running the JJ 6L6's in the clips?

Uh oh....is this concrete evidence of teh blanket over the amp effect of JJ's? :shock:

It might be the presence at 0 on the 3rd channel clip though.....
its running Mesa 6L6 440's .. I thought they were JJ's, but when I looked they were not. I slapped the JJ's in, and sorry to say .. the Mesa ones sounded less muddy . i guess thats the word.

Speaking of JJ's. I talked to him on the phone, very nice guy. But ****, .. he basically said if you dont like my tubes, you are tone deaf. I was like .. ok .. I didn't say I did not like your tubes, just trying to ask if the value written on the box is cool with the recto. I had bought some E34L's for a TSL *returned* . so I wanted to know if the ones he sold to me were cool for the Boogie..

.. I said they were a tad muddy, and wanted ru nthe number on the box by him.

. oops. bang!