One thing that amazes me is that I can play the jp-2c at home (not very loud but not super quiet either) and get great sounds across all the channels. True it ultimately shines at high volumes, but buying other amps is not going to get you the sound you say you are missing in the bedroom. 10 x 10 is boxy, so that is your biggest problem. Although I haven't used the cabclone yet, you could just go with the headphones and keep your guitar and not spend a dime. Unfortunately the cabclone is not an attenuator so that would be my second suggestion - get an attenuator. A rockcrusher, two notes or a few other brands cost a fraction of another mesa amp and open up more options. Active / reactive are better than passive / non-reactive here for remaining true to the sound. Of course the better the unit, the more it goes up in price. Look at the rockcrusher which is a popular unit and reasonably priced. I use a two-notes reload which is a little pricier and with my other amps it works great for the studio or at home and especially on-stage. I have not even tried it yet on my jp-2c since I have been able to get great sound at lower levels on all three channels. One of the amazing mesa technical accomplishments IMHO with this amp. I also own a JP15 guitar and like you, I would do anything to keep from trading one of those awesome jp guitars.