I sold my Mark V a few months ago and replaced it with a V:25, which I love. Honestly, the V never really did it for me, whereas the V:25 is a freaking monster.
Maybe the added circuitry and complexity on the full V neuters it's tone. Maybe it's some of the things Screamingdaisy considered in another thread, maybe Mesa made some real breakthroughs with the V:25 that the V never got.
If Mesa rolled out a Mark Vb with the following changes from the Mark V:25, they would have:
- amazing cleans on Channel 1
- mid-boost and a phenomenal, USABLE Crunch on Channel 2
- A IIc+ mode on channel 3 you could lose yourself in for days at a time, plus really great IV and Extreme modes
- great headroom options on all three channels
- my money (again)
If they added a Cab Clone as well, I'd probably marry the darn thing.
Maybe the added circuitry and complexity on the full V neuters it's tone. Maybe it's some of the things Screamingdaisy considered in another thread, maybe Mesa made some real breakthroughs with the V:25 that the V never got.
If Mesa rolled out a Mark Vb with the following changes from the Mark V:25, they would have:
- amazing cleans on Channel 1
- mid-boost and a phenomenal, USABLE Crunch on Channel 2
- A IIc+ mode on channel 3 you could lose yourself in for days at a time, plus really great IV and Extreme modes
- great headroom options on all three channels
- my money (again)
If they added a Cab Clone as well, I'd probably marry the darn thing.