DR reborn mid pot problem - please compare and report

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
Buenos Aires - Argentina

I own a 2010 DR reborn and noticed that there may be some issue with my channel 2 midrange pot. In the first half (from 7:00 to 12:00) it acts as expected but very moderately, then on it slightly enhances the mids between 12:00 and 3:00, and then from 3:00 to 5:00 it barely does anything, if not lowering the mids instead of enhancing them.

I wonder if this is a regular behaviour I never noticed or if there is something wrong with the potentiometer or some associated capacitor.

I would appreciate your suggestions.

Best :D ,
Hello Guys,

I will put it in different words:

Do any of you owners of a Reborn DR notice that the mid control in channel 2 acts substantially different that the mid control in channel 3 (both Vintage or Modern voicing)? Or is it a particular issue with my amp indicating pot/associated circuit failure?

Nope, there shouldn't be any difference between the two channels. Indicates something wrong with the pot on your amp. There recently was similar problem with another member's presence pot and it was caused by a loose wire.

You could open up the head and see if you see any loose wires from pcb to the mid pot. If you can't notice any problems, I recommend taking it to Mesa qualified tech for check.

If you solder decently and don't care for the warranty, you could always try switching the mid pots between channel 2 and 3 to see if the problem would move to channel 3.
Thanks Shemham,

I already checked and there is no loose wires - I tried with contact cleaner too, but there was no improvement (only the pot´s movement was surprisingly smoother, but that was all).
Will order a new pot from Mesa.
