I had no idea that Doug's tubes exhisted until joining the site and trying to figure out issues I was having with my MKV.
Someone posted a link to the tone kit. Since my stock power tubes did not last very long, blew out both primary tubes (more than likely failure caused by transport, bought amp in PA and live in NC, and rt 95 is not all that smooth).
I cannot comment on the tone kit in its entirety since I also installed a matched quad Tung Sol 7581's. At first I was not impressed but considering length of burn in time the amp is beginning to wake up. So far, on the first day and 4 hours, WOW, the amp is no longer a treble monster (stock tubes were too bright). The kit I got from Doug did not have the JJ tube. However, it was replaced with Ruby HG
V1 tung sol, v2 ruby 12ax7ac7 (marked as HG), v3 ruby 12ax7acz HG) v4-v6 Penta anb PI Sovtek 12ax7LPS
Channel 2 has a bit more edge to it, before the tube change I could not tell the difference between CH2 and CH3 in character except for volume difference. Mark 1 mode is greatly improved ( I may even start liking it ). Huge difference in CH3, sounds awsome. Improvement on CH1 in volume, not as dim as it was. A few more hours to go until the tubes settle in. Now I am running through evm12L in my 412 cab (cab is 13 years old and bought it with my MKIV combo, V30's just were not living up to my expectations).
I never really considered different preamp tubes or tube rolling as a means to alter tone characteristics, basically I would just keep the all the same.