Doubts on a 2x12purchase...need opinions

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Sep 25, 2005
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Guys, sorry if I ask but what do you think? this guy is selling a recto 2x12 on ebay starting at 420$ and he sais it's completely new...BUT...this is his answer to my offer:

ME: I'm from XXXXXX. Would you accept a deal for 450$ if I come up there to get the amp, so that I can check it out as well? (I live two hours car from him)
GUY: I would accept a deal of at a minimjm of $500, and the amp is in XXXXXXX so much closer to you than YYYYYYY. (He's saying he actualy lives closer, at one hour and a half car drive from me...I GET HAPPY!)
ME: Well...if you are available tomorrow (Sunday), I can jump on my car and come up there to check it out. If everything is in good shape, I'm really interested and I could pay cash straight away! Obviously if that's no bother to you on a Sunday and the amp is fine. Write me back so that I can organize.
GUY: Well Sunday is not a good time for me, I will be out of town. I am more than willing for you to come see the amp, but I would have to clarify a few things. If i am going to 'reserve it' for you, I would need an agreement that you are going to purchase it, and it would have to go through ebay. I am fine with you coming to pick it up, (if you purchase it), but again, i would need payment before you would even arrive. :shock: To be honest, if you are EXTREMELLY interested, and really feel that you would love this speaker, I can send you more photos - high definition, large photos, after sunday when I am back in town?... I really wouldn't want anyone to make a drive like that, without knowing for sure if you are going to buy/keep it.

It does sound a little fishy to me. I live in Hawaii, if I were only an hour's drive away, I would demand to see it in person.

Ebay has become a serious dumping ground over the last few years.

I would be suspicious if I were you.
How's the guy's english? Are you sure you're communicating?

If you are, I'd say blow that off for sure. Also, stick it to him on ebay. Can't you report him or something? If you can, do it. I have zero patience with these guys anymore.
If your willing to drive you dont need Ebay.

I dont understand all the hub bub if he wants to sell the amp.

What I do understand is as a seller you dont feel like hanging around while every kid in the neighborhood who just wants to play through an amp they cant afford. You know the kids that get tossed out of every music store for being 'holes.

The deal should be simple. Make a date to see the amp. The seller is free to do whatever. You call a couple of hours before you go. If its still there you got a shot.

Its that friggin simple!

One more thing. Unless you are dealing with a very rare collectable item never think this is the last deal on earth. For regular stuff there's always another deal around the cornor. Could take some time but there's no reason to put up with a strange'O seller in this case IMHO!
In defense of the seller, ebay can be pretty ugly if you pull an item and make a private sale. When you do that ebay doesn't get its cut on the sale. It's even worse if there are already bids and you cut the auction out from undersome.

The seller might also think he was going to get more than the $500. I've been surprised/pleased a few times by the last minute flurry of bidding on a couple of speaker cabs I have sold.

He may not have explained his reasons very well and probably could have done it in a more positive manner, but I don't think he should be reported. If anything they might thank him for not ending the auction.

Just one persons opinion.
Was your conversation with the seller via email or phone? If email, definitely take it to a phone conversation. Much easier to build mutual trust, or to confirm any feelings of discomfort.

If you work out a visit, agree to complete the transaction via eBay, pending your inspection. If there's a computer available at the test location, great, but maybe you'll need to go back to his place to do that. If there are other bidders, you could place a bid that would make you high bidder, and he could "end the auction early to sell to the highest bidder." I'm pretty sure that would keep the eBay folks happy, but double-check the eBay rules on that. Hopefully the other bids won't be higher than the price you were discussing with him, or he could back out, so discuss that possibility ahead of time, and agree on how to handle that. Also, DO NOT forget to log out of your eBay account and don't allow Windows to save your password if you access your account from another computer!

Hope my attempt at diplomacy helps!
My nabour jsut bout a guitar of ebay, well won the auction and took a plane from NSW (sydney Australia) to Queesnland (Brisbane Australia) to buy the guitar in person so he wasn't ripped. My dad drove me 4 hours to get my quad, (to check it out and purchase if it was any good) it was :D, but yeah it sounds very sus, and 1hour is basiclly nothing, so if he can't wait 1 hour for you to check it out and mabe pay, i wouldn't touch it.

Report him for what? If I sell something on Ebay, I don't want people coming over to audition the gear. It's not a music store.
Plus, you didn't mention the guy has 2 bids. It'll probably go for more than the $420 it's at now.
Maybe you can try this:
Make an agreed upon price and have him update the eBay posting with a "Buy it Now" price.

Then you go there and check it out. If you are both happy, you begin the purchase on eBay via a paypal account attached to a CREDIT CARD.

See that's likely the hold-up here. If money from paypal is attached to a checking account then it takes 5 days to clear and he could be out money if your funds don't clear.

Just my $.02
When I posted there were no bids...and the starting price anyway is 420. Sounds strange a bid equal to the starting price :) but doesn't matter. As someone was saying, there can be another good deal waiting somewhere else
I would shine the deal. No matter what, the guy didn't even want to deal with you.

If I had someone who wanted to look at something, I would at least talk to him. I sell a lot of amps & guitars on Ebay. I would definitely be choosy about who I let come to my house, but I wouldn't be a dick about it either.

Find another one, I think you'll be happier, and maybe you will get a better price.

FWIW: My local music store has a Mesa Cab 2x12 3/4 back with Vintage 30's marked down to $429. I'm trying to figure out how I can swing it. I could always use another good cabinet.
Guy [seller said:
... I really wouldn't want anyone to make a drive like that, without knowing for sure if you are going to buy/keep it.
What? Can't understand that. An hour drive is a walk in the park. Something fishy ...

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