Does the NEW Recto need the OD Pedal in Front?

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Only like one person has had a chance to try the new Rectos. Not even sure they are in all the stores yet.
I played one last week and actually got to A/B it with an older 3 channel that the store had in stock also. The most noticeable improvement is the presence knob is useable in modern mode. Other than that the sound was the same angry recto-ness to me.
For those of you in Colorado, Wilwood Guitars in Louisville has a the new recto and a 2x12 ED combo in stock.
ryjan said:
I played one last week and actually got to A/B it with an older 3 channel that the store had in stock also. The most noticeable improvement is the presence knob is useable in modern mode. Other than that the sound was the same angry recto-ness to me.

Dude! You're the guy that boned Stiflers mom!! Oh wait, I got confused. Your the guy that played the new Rectumfrier!! :shock: :shock:

I am taking from your reply that any lack of gain one felt the previous REC suffered is still there. Have not seen one in Atlanta yet. :(
They wouldn't let me crank it up much past bedroom volumes so I couldn't honestly tell you. At the volume I was playing at it had the same saturation with the gain at 12o'clock that the older one had at 2. This was with all the other controls exactly the same so it's safe to say that it has more of something in there.