Does he know what he is talking about or not?

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Nov 9, 2008
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So, I recently visited the guitar center here and was talking to an employee about Boogies and amps... We came to the Lonestar in the convo, and he said no other mesa has the same clean or bass response as the LSC. I told him the road king's clean is exactly the same which is what I've been reading off here.. He told me its not the same and it only has the same reverb as the LSC ... So, does he know what he is talking about or am I the one with wrong info? Thanks :?
From Mesa website:

"Improved Channel 1 & 2 now features CLEAN and FAT from our acclaimed LoneStar® - our best clean ever"

Yep! Your guy don't know what he is talking about... :D
I guess it's not technically 100% the same in the end since it's being pumped into different power sections, but for all intents and puposes, it's pretty much the same.
The majority of GC employee chums are worthless. Just there to make a buck and aren't as hardcore gearheads as a lot of us are. So they have limited in-depth knowledge. As our Oz based mate Areola noted, they're douchebags.
one needs to be careful when asking/using advice from employees of any store when you are an enthusiast of a store that is aimed towards your hobby...

just because a GC employee doesnt know that the guy that invented mesa boogie likes snickers better than butterfinger is no reason to call him a moron...

you call them morons because they make **** up and talk out of their ***... in search of my perfect mesa, i have found SOME gc people to be ok, while others simply collect a check... i was fortunate to find someone with close to every mesa model ever made, and needless to say, he was a wealth of knowledge...
I'll go ahead and say it: The Road King 2 and Roadster's cleans don't sound quite as good as the Lonestar judging from the time I've spent with them when I was demo'ing amps. They're the same cleans, and they sound really good, but the power sections are different between the amps. If you want the response of the Lonestar, the RK2 or Roadster will get you about 80% there; close but but not quite.
Just as the cleans in the LS Classic and LS Special are different, so are those in the Road King and the Roadster. Sutle differences but different none-the-less. The Special's are my favorite far and away, although I don't believe that would be the overwhelming choice in a consensus or poll of users. Alas, I think you'd have to visit a chitload of GCs to find anywhere near the Mesa knowledge on tap and available here on The Board.
Well, with the position I'm in right now, if someone gave me either the LS or the RK, I would definitely not gripe about the fact that they dont have the same clean! :lol:

I'd be tickled pink just to have one or the other at all...... :D