Do you name your guitars?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
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I used to have a black ibanez prestige that I named the "Sancha". Needless to say, my wife was not very pleased with that name. I have a new Axe coming in and I can't figure out a name for it.

Do you name your guitars?
:twisted: they are all named "bitch." except for the tele. It's "son of a bitch."
elvis said:
She called them my mistresses.

And then women argue they're not all the same :lol:

I refer to some of them with a kind of nickname, but nothing very settled. I call my SG "Satan" for obvious reasons for example :D
Only my Les Paul has a nickname, since it previously belonged to a well known guitarist and all my friends refer to it as "The Sykes".
My first one from high school my buddies and I called "jack the ripper." My blue and gold prs I call Wolverine after my school mascot from back in the day.
Under what circumstances would you actually use a guitar name without giggling?

"Hand me Jack the Ripper."
"I'm going to give this crowd some Sancha!"
"c'mon Sykes, let's get 'em!"

When I first began playing, I would name a guitar. That kind of got old quickly though. Haven't named them in many years.
When I was younger, I never did. When I got back into playing a few years ago (after a 10 year hiatus), I started to. It just seemed like the natural thing to do as I sifted through guitars.
I whisper their names in the night, but I don't really share them with friends.
At times the notion seems right, but most times it feels like pretend.

They seem to deserve such a treat, but run when I reach out my hand.
They vanish before its complete, it's clearly not part of the plan.

Yes and no, I guess. Sometimes I think I want to name them more than they want to be named!
Yes, but only with my current axe. He's called 'Vincent', but pronounced 'van-sonne' as it's a french guitar.

Under what circumstances would you actually use a guitar name without giggling?

"Hand me Jack the Ripper."
"I'm going to give this crowd some Sancha!"
"c'mon Sykes, let's get 'em!"

"I'm just off to play with van-sonne in the bedroom - please don't interrupt"
My guitars all have the same name, Mine.

So no, I do not assign a name to my guitars, cars, amps, or body parts. However my dog and cat have names other than dog and cat so I am not that primitive.
Yeah, I do... It completes their personality. LOL

'05 Gibson Custom Shop EDS 1275 "Deuce"
'07 Gibson USA '61 SG Reissue "Ace"
'12 Gibson USA Les Paul Traditional Pro II "Sweetness"
'06 Fender Custom Shop Strat Pro "Sissy" (This is my second one; lost "Baby" to a pawn shop)
'12 G&L Comanche "The Dawn"
'12 G&L L-2000 "Beefy"
'02 Warwick Corvette Std 4 Fretless "Slick"

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