Do the F-30 / DC-3 have the same tone?

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
NW Indiana, USA
I recently picked up an F-30 and I love the tone of this little monster. However, I would like a bit more tonal control, so I'm planning on getting a eq of some sort.

My question is: Should I have just bought a DC-3? I didn't know about them until after I got the F-30. I do like the fact that the DC-3 has the graphic eq built in and it has a bit more power. Also, I've heard it has a tube driven reverb circuit, which is another plus for me.

The only way I would consider the DC-3, is if it has the same tone as the F-30. Has anyone owned or had experience with both? Or can someone compare pros and cons of both. It would be most appreciated. Thanks

BTW, I play anything from fendery cleans, blues, classic rock, older metal and Metallica/Shadow's Fall type metal.

I can give you my opinion. I own a DC-3, and recently picked up and F-50. While shopping I was able to demo the F-30, and for a while I seriously was considering picking one up. I think the DC-3 is a much more versatile amp simply because of the eq. With a flat eq on the DC-3 you're basically able to clone the F-30 if you play with the tone controls. I found the F-30 a bit brittle/harsh with the overdrive engaged, and I don't think it has as much headroom as the DC-3. When you engage the contour on the F-30 you get a good mid scoop, but it also really accentuales the highs. With the DC-3 you can really customize the amp to your liking with the on-board graphic eq.

It also felt to me like I could dial in a very nice clean sound with the F-30 - very "voxy" kind of vibe, which I admit I like a lot. With the DC-3 you can get close to that, but it's not right on the money. can really get a very sweet clean out of the DC-3 if you spend some time tweeking.

They are both great little amps, but in my opnion I think the DC-3 gives you a bit more flexibility.

As far as the reverb on the DC-3 is concerned, I find it to be adequate. It's different from the F-30 (and hard to describe how and why), but I don't think the reverb on either amp is stellar. At low to moderate volumes, the reverb on the DC-3 works fine for me, but when I'm playing out I rely on digital verb through the fx send/return. I wouldn't let the reverb be the deciding factor.

In any event, I would not ditch the F-30. They are fantastic little amps. If I were you I'd save some cash and buy a used DC-3 as well. They go relatively cheaply on e-bay every once in a while. If you did that you'd be able to run a stereo or bi-amp rig using the DC-3 as the main amp, and tapping into the F-30 via the fx return. That would give you versatility and headroom to spare.

One last thought: I was able to demo the F-30 through a 2x12 cab, and it changed the sound dramatically. I don't know if you're using a head or a combo, but that might be something to check out too. It really opened the amp up a lot, and the apparent volume was increased dramatically. Adds a ton of oomph in channel 2. So before deciding on whether you need a different amp, definitely check it out through a 2x12 or even a 4X12. I think you'll be amazed at the difference.

Also, for what it's worth, the DC-3 is a very loud 35 watt amp. I love mine, and only picked up the F-50 so that I wouldn't be working the DC-3 as much. I want that little amp to last me for ever.

Good luck!!!
I have run it through my 2x12 cab and it did give it a fuller sound. I just feel I don't have enough control over the tone as I'd like. I was planning to use an eq through the loop, but I don't really like what it does to the tone when I use it, the fx loop that is. I like your idea about just picking one up for a stereo rig, but finances permitting you know.

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