Do different tubes really make that much difference?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
I'm just curious..... I've been playing tube amps all my music life (about 15 years) with only a 6 month stint with some Line 6 stuff and came back to tubes... I have a silver face Fender Deluxe Reverb that my father gave me and he got it used in 1975, he never changed tubes and then gave it to me and I went through it and changed every preamp tube and couldn't tell any difference in sound (except for the lack of static in my reverb), I then changed the power amp tubes and rectifier tube and it sounded a little bit bolder, but not a real dramatic difference and I haven't changed those tubes in 7 years now. I did the same thing with a Fender Twin, I changed all the Sovtek tubes out for all Grove tubes and I thought it sounded exactly the same. So now, the only time I chage a preamp tube is when I can hear one going microphonic........ So I guess what I'm wanting to know is, what are the guidelines as far as changing tubes?? How many hours of playing before you should change tubes (power, rectifier and preamp tubes).

I play about 10-12 hours a week on my Triple Rectifier, I don't really know if changing out the 3 year old stock tubes will make a big differenc in sound, but I don't want a power tube to go out on me at a gig at 11pm with no music stores open.

What does everyone think or do??

also, do the EL34's make that much difference?? I had a Peavey XXX head with EL34's in it and I thought it was a "Harsh" sounding amp, could that have been the tubes, if so I can tell the difference. Would 6L6's have made the XXX warmer sounding?

Hope I don't come across as sounding stupid, I 'm just wanting a bit of TUBE knowledge.

from my limited experience, changing out tubes with the same type, won't create a dramatic difference, but it IS there. this is especially noticeable when your going from a really low end tube to a high end(NOS or otherwise) in an amp with a very simple circut. as the circut becomes more complex with channel switching and the like, the characteristics of the tubes are going to get thinned out. this is why the cleans on bassmans and twins are never emulated by amps like a rec or diezel with massively complex circuts.

a tube won't need replacing until you notice something up with your sound. power-tubes will start loosing their frequency response(the sound willl start to flatten out), and then they'll go out. and as you mentioned preamp tubes go microphonic. theres no real need to change tubes before they go wrong, unless it's for assurance reasons(don't want the tube going during a show)

as for 6L6 vs. El34, it's not entirely a question of 'harshness' but more of predominant frequencies. i suppose this may come out as harsh in a certain amp, especially if the tubes are on their way out. 6l6's have a more full range, a deeper bottom, and a tighter top, but the mids are a little flat compared to an el34. in the El34, the lows are raised a more to the mid side of thing, although they are just as tight, it's not the same chugging crunch. think back to almost any classic rock tone from the 70's and 80's to hear the deffinition from the mids that a marshall produces(EL34). it's been mentioned as mojo many times on this boards. the cleans wont' be as detailed and sparkly with el34, but you'll gain some warmth i guess? it's kind of a strange characteristic. check out john fruciantes(chili pepers) clean tone for an idea.

good luck..

musicbox said:
check out john fruciantes(chili pepers) clean tone for an idea.


Isn't Johns clean tone mainly a JTM 45? That would rule out EL34's
YES, different tubes make a huge difference. I wonder exactly which Groove Tubes you bought, because they get the same tubes everyone else does, and just put their name on them, with exception of the couple they have made themselves. BTW, I've had the WORST luck with Groove Tubes. I went to the music store to get a set, and 3 sets latter, I finally got a set that worked, because they were all bad. To me the extra cost isn't worth the money.

Also, for the most part, amp manufacturers nowadays use tubes that are reliable, so they won't have to spend any money on warranty costs, and not because they sound the best. If they can get a LOT of tubes for little money, that will last, then that's what they will use. It just makes sence buisness wise to do it that way, instead of buying a particular model of tube that sounds great, but where maybe only 50-70% out of the lot are good enough to last. Amp companies will buy tubes in a huge gross to save as much cash to make the most profit.

So to get to your question, them' Groove Tube 12AX7's might be a Sovtek tube which is incredibally reliable, but to be honest, they sound a foggy, washy mess, with no definition. Same with the Sovtek 5881's. I bought a set (5881's) in the mid 90's and not one of them has died yet, but they sound like cardboard! I even TRIED to kill them, and they still work. I keep them for backup.

I've tried a lot of tubes, and no tube I've tried has turned me on like the JJ tubes. I recomend then highly. I'd say stick with the 6L6's in your Recto, because they have the big bass that you are probably used to. EL34's have a cool vibe to them, but are limited to a few styles. 6L6's are by far more versitle.

Check out This guy is a player, and knows amps, and doesn't just sell tubes. Contact him, and tell him what you have, and he'll set you up with the set that will work best. Just read through his site, and you'll see that he knows what he's talking about. Check out the MESA section.

Good luck.
The short reply is YES! They make a huge difference. There have been a few threads about different tube combinations lately, but nothing beats listening to a few combinations until you find one you like.

Good luck!!
Do different tubes really make that much difference?


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