Do Any Effect Units Directly Utilize Mesa's Switching Jacks?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2009
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I'm trying to think of the tidiest way to add effects to my Roadster. I don't use effects much so I don't want to clutter cramped stages with wires and mess for just a few songs. But there will be times when I'm asked to play U2 or Rage Against The Machine and then I'll need effects.

Do any effect processors directly utilize the channel switching jacks on the back of the amp. In other words, does something out there have switching jacks that can trigger the correct channel on my amp when a patch is called up. I could, say, have a "Clean" patch with chorus that switched my amp to Channel 1; And a "Solo" patch with echo that switched my amp to channel 4.

Or if anybody has simple amp / effect setups they'd care to share... I'm looking for the least amount of mess and stress.

I can tell you of one way, from my own experience.
I use the Midi Solutions' "Relay" model to switch channels on my Stiletto from my Line 6 Pod XT. It works great for switching 2 channels. For more channels, they make more elaborate (& expensive) models. Of course this applies to FX units with MIDI capability, but if you have, or want to get one, this works well.
I can't say exactly how this would work for a Roadster, but it's worth checking out.

Here's their site if you're interested:

Good luck!
Thanks. I looked at that site and found another model--MIDI Solutions R8--that might be perfect for the Roadster. It's like the Relay but with 8 switching outputs.
you could buy a mini amp gizmo and a midi capable FX board and use that it would switch everything you need :D .