Looking to build a a/b preamp output switch box for my 2101 and pre.
I have a good schematic for a buffered relay switched a/b box that I built (works great) but this box switches the input through two outputs (non used output goes to a 50k resistor-to ground thus grounding the preamp input cable so it wont hum).
What I want to do is build a reverse one with four inputs and two outputs so I can a/b 2101/ mesa pre preamp outputs into my poweramp.
The question I have is should I resistor ground the mesa pre and 2101 outputs (thus giving those outputs a load). Or can I just relay switch the pre/2101 outputs to "open" (sort of like pulling the cable out of the poweramp) when that preamp is switched "off". The inputs to both pre amps will be "hot" (y-cable) all the time.
Does it damage anything in the pre if there is an input signal/volume-gain with the a-b outputs not going into anything?
I know...buy a gcx.. I just don't want to spend $$ on anything I think I can make.
Thanks for the help.
I have a good schematic for a buffered relay switched a/b box that I built (works great) but this box switches the input through two outputs (non used output goes to a 50k resistor-to ground thus grounding the preamp input cable so it wont hum).
What I want to do is build a reverse one with four inputs and two outputs so I can a/b 2101/ mesa pre preamp outputs into my poweramp.
The question I have is should I resistor ground the mesa pre and 2101 outputs (thus giving those outputs a load). Or can I just relay switch the pre/2101 outputs to "open" (sort of like pulling the cable out of the poweramp) when that preamp is switched "off". The inputs to both pre amps will be "hot" (y-cable) all the time.
Does it damage anything in the pre if there is an input signal/volume-gain with the a-b outputs not going into anything?
I know...buy a gcx.. I just don't want to spend $$ on anything I think I can make.
Thanks for the help.