Distortion buzz on the Dual Recto

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I sometimes get a pop when i change channels but thats just capcitor discharge when the relay initially clicks over. usually fixed by changing channels a few times before taking off standby. as for the buzz.. thats the nature of gain. if you use single coils your asking for the buzz. hummers shouldn't create the buzz at all. my recto hums on the dirty channels when i use my strat but it uses single coils. and i don't have a problem with my emg's at all. the other thing is the wiring in the room you use it in. if theres a fluro light around you'll get hum. if there's bad/old wiring in the mains circuit you'll get hum. but the point about the lead's is a good one and the first one you should address. then the guitar. work on the signal chain from the source. good luck :)
did you buy the amp new are used? Have you tried swapping the preamp tubes if it's used?

Anytime you run the gain past noon with the out put and master above noon, that really should be all the gain (and output volume for that matter)you need. If the charachter of distortion is different from a looser feel, there could be something wrong with the amp, bad filter cap or grid resistor.

I always ran an OD out front to tighten the DR up.

If your trying to run the thing at bedroom levels, this could be part of the problem too.
Hello! I've got the same problem. I suppose that not everyone of you are thinking of the same type of buzz/fizz. This is not harmonic buzz like a natural concequence of distortion but a tottaly unmusical crackle which dissappears when the sustained note/chord slowly fades out. I posted some samples of my Recto, and I think this is the problem we're talking about.


If anyone finnaly solved this problem.Please reply.
what kind of guitar cable do you have.
:shock: I think my recto does that too.
I've tried different types of guitar cables. I used shielded Planet Waves and Klotz La Grange with Neutrik jacks and the problem is still the same. A friend of mine has the same amp and I've noticed the same issue but few days ago it just disappeared (in his amp) I don't know whether is tube life issue or some other components. I'am going to swap the preamp tubes this or next week and we'll see ... I really like the sound of this amp but this buzz is just annoying and could be a real problem during recording...
do tell how new preamp tubes work out for you. it IS a problem during recording. Ive heard this happen on other amps besides rectifiers even on clean.
I have noticed it as well, but I don't have to blast it to get rid of it. But I do have to go a bit past bedroom levels.
you wanna get rid of that buzzy Recto distortion?

get rid of your recto...and buy a Pre-500.

i own #112, and it is has NONE of the characteristics of the newer ones...not buzzy at all.

I had a 3Ch. Triple, and late 90's 2ch. dual. and even a Recto Pre. I sold them all and bought this #112 Recto, and it nice and smooth and aggressive.

no buzz.

and with a MXR EQ in the loop...just plain awesome!

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