Dismantling a Rectoverb combo - is this a hard chore??

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
Ok, I'm kind of revisiting a topic I started about a month ago when I thought my Rectoverb speaker was blown. I then found out it wasn't the speaker and thought it was the tubes, so I swapped them out and I thought it sounded better and I was happy.... But now it sounds like crap again, it was all in my head (that it sounded better)...... It sounds like the speaker is going to jump right out of the amp and explode! It only does it when I play my Peavey Wolfgang (I think the PUPS are too hot), but that is my main guitar and it sounds fine through every other amp I have. BUT, it doesn't do it when I hook it up to my 2x12 cabinet - it sounds amazing!! Sooooooooooooo........ another topic I started was about putting a 2nd speaker in a ROV combo and no one has done it.

Well, I'm about to expierment around with it.

A buddy gave me an old Peavey 2x12 amp with one speaker (just says 8 ohm celestion) and I'm going to either gut the Peavey and put my ROV guts in the Peavey cab or I'm going to pull the front off my ROV and swap it out with the Peavey front with 2 speaker cut-outs (after some altering of the Peavey part). Either way, I'm going to have a ROV with 2 speakers. Either in an UGLY Peavey 2x12 cab or in the the Modified ROV cabinet.

I know it sounds like I've completely gone nuts, but I truly love the ROV through a 2x12 cab but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a combo so you just have an "all in one amp".

Now to my question, I've never dismantled a Boogie - Am I getting ready for some bad moments at trying to mess around with taking apart the ROV cab? Is it easy to pull off the front board that holds the speaker? The Peavey has about 6 nails that holds it on and thats it.

I think with a 2nd speaker it would be my perfect amp, and I'm about to find out. Any help would be apprecieated and I'll post results as I find out and pics if I get it done and plan on keeping it like that.
my advice would be to do something more practical

1) sell your rectoverb combo and and just buy a head version.

2) pull your amp out from the combo and just rackmount it, or something to that effect.
my advice would be to do something more practical

1) sell your rectoverb combo and and just buy a head version.

2) pull your amp out from the combo and just rackmount it, or something to that effect.

Thats why I'm going through all this trouble, I don't want a head and a cab I just want a combo.

I tried messing around with it for about 2 hours last night, but it's going to be a much bigger job than I thought unless I find a gutted 2x12 combo that I can put my ROV guts in. I've posted a couple of ads around looking for something like an empty Tremoverb combo or other decent empty combo.

Yep, I'm a nut :?:
Well, I tried something today and it didn't work out.

I got an older Peavey 2x12 cab and I stripped out the guts from it, drilled a few holes and then proceeded to put my Rectoverb guts in the Peavey cab. I got the reverb tank and speaker installed but when I started putting in the main part (power/pre amp), I realized it wasn't going to fit correctly sicne the Peavey desing is tapered towards the top and this would leave the knobs too exposed in the front and the back. After this 2 hour ordeal, I then put the guts back in my ROV cab.

I guess I either need to live with what I got, trade it off, sell it, or find a Tremoverb 2x12 gutted combo. It's a toss up right now as to which way I'll go...... I think 99% of my problem is my pickups are too hot and are driving the preamp too hard. Maybe I just need to play with my master/gain knobs some more to find that sweet spot.
well since youre willing to go through the hassle of a transplant, why not just try to build your own custom enclosure for it?

And what kind of pickups are you using? If you think they are hitting your pre-amp too hard for the sound you want, well just turn the gain down on the pre amp!
no soul said:
why not just try to build your own custom enclosure for it?

Thats scarey :? :? I can transplant, but I don't have the tools to build and the last time I tried doing a big modification on a cab, I ended up running the drill through, not one, but 2 of my speakers in a 4x12 :shock: So to think of me with power tools is just plain scarey.

I did try lowering the gain to as low as 11:30 - 12:00 on ch 2, and the bass to about 7:00 - 7:30 and it still "farted out" and it didn't have enough gain at that point for the harder rock stuff. Also on ch 1 I lowered the gain to just below 9 and when I dug in to my guitar it also "farted out". I'm using the stock pickups in my Peavey Wolfgang when it does all of this, but that guitar sounds fine with my Tremoverb and every other amp I've owned (prior to the ROV) the last 2 years - which has been several Line 6 amps, a Peavey XXX, a Triple Rectifier, a Rocktron Replitone 2x12 and a Fender Twin. I think it's just a weird combination of the amp, guitar and 1x12 configuration.

I still haven't given up on the amp or modding it, but am just lost right now until I find a decent cab (for the right price) to put the guts in.

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