Digitech 2120 for Effects only?

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2006
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Anyone with 2120 experience know whether the 2120's preamp can be completely removed from the chain so that I can just use it for the effects? I want to use my Mark IIC's preamp for the distortion. Any help or opinions about the 2120 being used in this fashion would be appreciated. Thanks.
I believe so. I have the 2101 and it can. As long as you have an effects loop on your amp and the digitech, your set. Just line in to your amp, out its effects loop send, go into the digitech effects return (thus bypassing its preamp) and then send the output of the digitech into the effects return on your amp.

My unit has a setting for internal control of the effect loop on every channel, with three settings, bypass, sum, and no sum. If yours is set up the same way you will want to select No Sum.

Otherwise, if its set to bypass you will get no signal and if its set to sum it will combine the effects loop signal coming from your amp with the input signal on the front end of your processor (which is none existent with this set up.)

Make sense?
Got it. Thanks for the help. I'm going to have to read through the manual to see what my options are but the 2120 does have an effects loop on the back so youy method is probably correct. What is the quality of your effects when you use this method? Does it sound fairly transparent?
I realy like mine and think it sounds great.

The older digitechs are actually very high quality. It was sad that they decided to go the route they did, although I have heard some good things about their newest one.