Difference between Vintage and Modern on Rectoverb?

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Oct 30, 2007
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So what is the difference supposed to be? The manual states the Vintage mode is like older Recto's. Is that so or is it supposed to be more like older Mark series?
I have a hard time diciding which one to use. They both make good tones. I wish I could footswitch between them.
I mainly play in standard tuning with my Les Paul fitted with EMG 81
to me it sounds like it has more gain, and just a little bit tighter, with more presence. thats about it. the voicing remains pretty familiar recto red channel.

btw how do you like your emg 81? Im kind of curious about actives lately.
The "Red" channel is a hard "V" curve eq voicing. Lots of highs and lows with scooped out mids. The Orange setting is the channels "normal" sound resulting in a normal juicy tone. You will notice less lows and more natural highs that are crisp but not freakishly cutting. Speaker choice will impact what sounds better in a big way. I actually prefer the Orange setting because if you get a good power tube driven distortion with EL-34s, you can get what the red gives you with out the scooped mids. (assuming you are loud enough to get the power tubes to distort)

I turn my mids almost all the way up so that my tone cuts through the mix and it sounds huge. Most guys scoop them out leaving a brittle, woofy distortion pedal tone suitable for bedroom volume. Mids are the thing that makes you heard. Its your instrument's frequency range. The Orange channel; dialed in properly will deliver that in spades!
Klaasman said:
So what is the difference supposed to be? The manual states the Vintage mode is like older Recto's. Is that so or is it supposed to be more like older Mark series?
I have a hard time diciding which one to use. They both make good tones. I wish I could footswitch between them.
I mainly play in standard tuning with my Les Paul fitted with EMG 81

bare in mind both are not made to emulate the Mark series..totally different tones. both modes are great but i personally prefer working on the vintage.
Old Two channel heads had "channel cloning" Which allowed you in theory to switch between Modern and Vintage at the expense of a clean channel. I always prefered the Vintange and high gain on the Red side however and could never really "clone" them.
Depends if you play in a band or not.

My amps always sound best with the band cause I dial them in with the band. On channel 2, I always work in Vintage mode with lots of mids...
On mine I definitely prefer the Vintage. I always thought of Modern as the channel you want to go to for de-tuned power chording.
btw how do you like your emg 81? Im kind of curious about actives lately.

I like em alot. For metal style sound, they are the shiznit.

I always thought of Modern as the channel you want to go to for de-tuned power chording.

I agree. Once in great while, I'll play one of my other guitars that are tuned down and the Modern channel really sounds good.
actually modern channel can sound well even for non de-tuned stuff. i'm not too sure on other recto's but on my RoV i think the vintage mode could have sound better. i really worked countless dials trying out to perfect the vintage tone to my ears but now i find the modern channel has a clearer definition. i would love to have a roadking one day coz i need that versatility.