Did Mesa fix the Mark V footswitch problem yet?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
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Seoul, Korea
I used a Mark V at my last band. The foot switch had a nasty little intermittent problem with the EQ foot switch either not working, or making a bad sound (as well as sometimes it would work properly). I imagine I am not the only person to have had that problem....Now it's time to think about an amp for the new band I am in and the Mark V is an amp I might consider using again.

So, if anyone knows if that 'bug' got fixed that would be good to know. Thanks.
Many people have had that bug. It's quite a simple fix, really. Try swapping the ends of the cable. Plug the end you would normally send to the amp into the footswitch, and plug the other end into the amp. If that doesn't work, then try bending down the one pin that contacts the sleeve of the plug.
Support the amp side by running it through the tube guard...on the FS side coil the wire directly under the plug to support it. If the cable sags under it's own weight the EQ will cut out. You can duplicate this by pushing down on the cable gently. I have ovaled the cable end a little with a pliers and that helps a lot. The high side of the oval should be the top and bottom of the plug. Hope that helps...
+1 to the above comments, had the same issue myself and it is the cable - easy fix.
The funny thing is that I asked if Mesa Boogie (whose quality everyone here gushes about) fixed the inherent problem with the footswitch. I asked that, 'becasue' I'm in a new location, new 'job' (guitar, band), which requires a new amp (and it's almost a year later, maybe they DID fix it). In spite of the fact that the amp had that annoying little problem, I did enjoy using it. So, when considering getting another amp I naturally thought about the Mark V amongst the many other choices.

What I got were some useful 'workarounds' that would have been helpful back in January when my last job bought the amp, and then shortly after that showed signs of having a 'twitch with the switch'. I DID contact Boogie, the only help they could offer at the time was to either send it hundreds of miles away from Lower Alabama to have someone service it, or send me another cable, which they did do, but it did not help.

So you're right phyrexia, what I should have done, instead of listening to Mesa Boogie tell me they couldn't really help me fix a known problem, or give me any sage advice such as what I got in this thread, I should have paid attention. What I should have done is not posted this.....what I should have done was sat around and made useless replies to the various posts on this board, that's payin' 'tention.
Mesa's solution has been to release a mod that is basically bending the cable's ground spring so that it maintains better contact. Outside of that I don't think they've done anything else and I suspect the only real solution is to hang the cable off something to transfer the weight off the connection. I make a loop and stick it under one of the head's feet myself, and I know some people on this forum loop it through the handle on top.

Seriously, that is probably the best response I've ever read! 8)
Phyrexia's comments were rude at best.

What is your main gigging amp now?
You acted like it was a dealbreaker, and apparently it was, since you sold the amp. And the solution is to take pliers in your hand and squeeze the ends of the cables once, so i do think it's strange you are complaining so high and mightily.

YOU asked if there was a fix - and then when we tell you, you can only respond with a smartass comment:
glguitarman said:
umm...thanks, those would have been some good ideas about 6 months ago, but I don't have a Mark V currently.

You don't have a Mark V currently, but you're asking if this problem was fixed when you could have searched and easily found the answer to your question, and then you are rude to those who answer your own question. So yes, I do think in the two years you've been on this forum you should have paid attention. Just think how much more time you could have had your Mark V! :lol: :wink:

Or you could be more gracious when people answer your questions.

....And it continues....He still doesn't see the irony that it's he that needs to pay attention.
I currently own a Mark IV, but my preference is a plexi-style amp. It should be noted that what I own is totally different than what usually use at work. So, the Mark IV is what I use at home, recording, and side gigs, but not my work gigs, usually. (the amps at they have at work now really blow, so for the time being, I am using my Mark IV, hence looking into options)

For Folks who Pay Attention:

Let me spell it out very clearly for you. I am a guitar player in a Military Band. I am currently not stationed in the US. When I was last in the US, the Band purchased a Mark V for me to use. When I left that 'place', I did not bring the Mark V because it is not 'mine', it is still there for the next guy to use. Do you understand? I did not sell, or get rid of it for any reason other than the fact that it was not mine to begin with. (In the line of work I am in you have to move periodically) Is the little EQ switch thing a 'deal breaker'? No, and I can't begin to understand why you would have thought in this manner.

Pay Attention: I did not complain about the Mark V, neither highly, lowly, mightily, or weakly; I did not ask anyone in my post if there was a fix; My post was a simple question to ask if BOOGIE had fixed the problem (you know, like, "Is Boogie now sending their new amps out with a different (operational) switch?". I did inquire with boogie about my problem many months ago, to no avail. I enjoyed the amp anyway, problem or no. I think the folks who responded gave great info, especially for someone with the same problem who really is paying attention. So, it's really great that there IS a rather simple fix (remedy), but NOW I am in another country without the Mark V. Where I am, it is difficult to get a boogie/service a boogie. I am not even sure if my current band will purchase another amp. That is why I asked. Anyway, what would you care if any of that is a deal breaker or not?

My question was really very simple. The answers I got were great info, and much appreciated, and hopefully helpful to someone out there but they did not really answer my question if you really and truly are paying attention.
You never mentioned you didn't own the amp, or that you were in the service using amps that belong to the government and not to yourself.

The language in your initial post led me to believe you were dissatisfied with the amp enough to get rid of it - and that if the problem had been fixed, you would be prepared to give it another shot. The language you used in your subsequent reply still seems rude and ungrateful, but it is obvious that I have misinterpreted you, and I apologize. In fact Mesa did ship the first batches of amps with a heavy cable, and later amps had smaller gauge cables that did not weigh as much and as a result do not normally suffer from the problem many of us (myself included) have experienced.

I apologize for my earlier tone. I try to stay civil here. :lol:
Thanks to all who posted. I learned something new about my mark v today from all of you who took the time to add their 2 cents. I am looking forward to my winter vacation when I can spend more time with this amp.
Wow I am glad checked this out and thank you to the group for sharing all this knowledge. I have been playing a 2001 DR for years and about 6 months ago I got a Mark V90 head and it’s the best thing I have ever played an amazing amp. I have two bands I play with and being able to have one amp to do so many different tones is killer. Being said last night I was playing and the EQ cut out. I thought I had messed something up till I saw that everyone else had have this issue. So now I will mod my cable to make sure that it doesn’t sag to lose connection. Then mark the cable for the amp end connection. Thanks everyone

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