Did I ruin/damaged my Amp ??

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May 13, 2020
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I recently bought a Mesa Boogie DC 5 Combo, it was working for the last couple of months completely fine, but the last two days it was making problems, the volume was always dropping while playing but came back again but also would fade down after a short time

I wasn’t sure what it could be so I went for Troubleshooting and read different threads

My final guess was that it could be the FX Loop or either bad tubes because it still has the Original STR 420s it was sold with, the same goes for the preamp tubes.

Since Yesterday it was not making any noise anymore I wasn’t sure what it could be so I unplugged it and pulled the tubes out and everything and tried to find the problem but didn’t find anything

I ran it the whole time of course with Input Signal and Guitar plugged in and everything because I also checked the FX Loop with a Patch Cable and more.

And now just a few minutes ago I realised that the White Speaker Cable which was soldered to the Black Shadow Speaker on the Positive Pole broke off !!

I immediately switched the amp off, but of course I didn’t realised the broken cable the last couple of days while i was troubleshooting

As far as I know you should never run a Tube Amp without a Speaker connected to it

Now my question did I damage my Amp ? the speaker plug was always connected to the speaker jack but I didn’t realise the cable that was soldered to the speaker itself broke off.

Thanks in Advance
You’re correct about running a tube amp with no speaker attached. I would try to just solder the speaker wire back on to the speaker and test it to see if it still works. If you don’t have a soldering iron, you can try to use an alligator clip lead just to quickly see if there is any output to the speaker (don’t use this clip lead permanently). You might get lucky and have no problems, but you’ll have to test it to find out. Good luck and update us when you know something.
As long as it wasn’t a half hour, you should be fine.
Mesa amps are really tough. Use an extension cabinet
I’m the mean time if you have one. If not, great time to
Learn the art of soldering.