Delay advice needed! Time Factor, Time Machine?

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I had the Nova Delay.
I loved the sounds, but think that having to scroll through the presets with a single button is a huge pain in the ***!

I need the following in a delay:
Easy to program on the fly
Tap Tempo
Stellar tone with as little digital sound as possible
Tube amp friendly

Would like:
A few different presets that are easy to get to on the fly
The ability to find new sounds later on down the road when I get bored with the basic sounds.
I have 3 delays...
1) DD20 which is great, some sounds dont compare though-see next 2. However it is easy to use, has modulation, tap, is boss easy to set up, very flexible and tbh sounds superb really. And it loops long enough for some good stuff. Not long enough though really. Oh, reverse delay, programmable, set up 4 perfect settings and scroll through them etc etc. And holds its value well enough in these troubled times to get one off ebay and sell it if you dont like it. I use it live. But this may change soon..
2) Carbon copy. Hmmm. It needs to be powered from a plug, not battery. No tap. Does one thing, but is really good at it. Analogue delay. Nothing fancy, but rock out with it a cable and amp and have fun. Turn it off, realise what it was doing, turn it back on fast! Through a clean amp with a long delay and repats/regen up high and you hear why analogue delay is so loved...warm, lo-fi but clear.
3) Strymon El Capistan. I just got this. It is the best delay of the 3. Get one, sell it if you dont like it. You will get within $10-20 of what you paid for it I think. It's superb, and redefines what you want a delay to do. And changes how you play music. And its simple unlike your Nova. Has tap. And whilst digital it sounds more analogue than the carbon copy...try it and let me know what you think. 8)
You should be able to scroll through the pre sets on the Nova by using the foot switch: Change presets
You may step between the 9 presets (1-9) by pressing
the PRESETbutton several times. However, you can
also step between presets following this procedure:
• Press TAPTEMPO once and tap the ON/OFF
switch repeatedly to step between presets 1-9.
• Turn MOD LEVELand select P3.
• Press any key to exit the menu.
You are now only able to toggle through presets 1, 2 and 3.
To return to using all 9 presets: Follow the procedure
A big pain in the butt live, so what I had to do is shut off most of the pre-sets and just use three or four.
Short answer is either Eventide or Strymon.
Hope this helps.
Right on thanks guys!
I ended up getting a Time Machine (couldn't afford the Time Factor and new pickups for my guitar!).
It should be here on Tuesday or Wednesday.

If I don't like it, I'm just going to save up and get the Time Factor!
The Pigtronix looks pretty cool too though, but for the price, the Time Factor seems to have everything under the sun!

I did really love the Nova Delay's sound, just didn't like how hard it was to get to different presets on the fly. I play in a 3 piece, so there is no one there to cover my sloppy tap dancing! :lol: