DC 5 with problem

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Jul 6, 2005
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First post here! I have owned my DC5 combo for over 10 years and have never had any problems at all - yep even the tubes are original. Great amp I can not find anything else that gets close!

However I have now got an intermittent problem on the rythym channel. The volume fluctuates - the amp gets much quieter and then louder, for no reason. The gain seems to be part of the issue as it sounds much dirtier at times.

I know I should replace all the tubes but that isnt in the budget right now.

I am suspecting a preamp tube but which are the for clean channel?

The problem is sufficently intermittent that it is very difficult to diagnose. I have a Fender Hotrod Deluxe that I will use to borrow tubes from to swap in to the DC5 and find the problem.

I have been working with a new project recently and really need to get the DC5 back in reliable shape. That Fender just doesnt have the nuts fot this job!

Thanks for any help


If it's power tubes I had assumed that it would be noticeable on both channels?

Am I AFU in my thinking here?

IIRC preamp tubes can be pretty much mixed as far as brands etc but power amp tubes have to be matched?


After ten years you could not have put a dime a week away for new tubes?

I would be lucky to get 10 years out of a NOS 6L6GC.

Try the preamp tubes first, but that baby is way overdue for some power tubes.

If you really cant afford them, please PM me and I will see what I can dig up and send you.
V1a first rhythm
V1b first lead
V2a second lead
V2b third lead
V3a fourthlead
V3b FX return
V4a second rhythm
V4b third rhythm
V5a reverb send
V5b reverb return
V6a&b phaser spliter/driver
Thanks for the replies.

I'm off armed with Kenj's info to do some tube swapping ...

Wish me luck!!

Ok looking at the tube list from Ken I guessed that the offender is V4 as this is the only tube that only supports the rythm channel.

Is this logic good?

Anyway I have swapped a good tube from the Fender (Sovtex 12ax7) into that slot and put the tube from the DC5 into the Fender.

So far the both work just fine - at least I didnt screw up a tube been awhile since I messed with one! But I'm not much further forward regarding diagnosis.

Guess I'll go play some and see if it starts misbehaving. I hate intemittent problems ....

Remember half of the tube can fail. Example V1a can fail while V1b is still operational. Since your Fender also has 6L6s you can also try those.