DC-5 Footswitch for Ch1 Pull Boost & EQ???

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MJ Slaughter

Well-known member
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Does anyone have experiance making a DC mod to where you can use a footswitch to control channel 1's boost instead of pulling the knob out? I suspect that you need to come off the pot to a footswitch but I don't know which leads to use.

Also, some DC's have a one button switch that controls only channel switching but others have a two button for both channel switching and the EQ. My combo has the two button. I want to get a head version of the same amp but need to know if a two button switch can be used with on an amp that only came with a 1 button switch and be able to control it's EQ. Would it require a mod?

When did Mesa go with the two button on the DC's?
The 2 button foot switch came on the "B" version of the DC-5. it is not compatable with the earlier "A" version. If I were you I would just buy or build a head cab for your DC-5. You know what you have but not what you are buying.

As far as the pull for gain to foot switch mod I cannot help you. Others here have posted info about this in the past. Schematics for the DC-5 can be found at schematicsheaven.com. If you can't find them there send me your email address in a PM or email and I will send them to you.
This is going to sound crazy, and I'm preparred to discuss it with anyone who wants to challenge, but I use a $39 Bad Monkey, which to my ears does almost the EXACT same thing as the pull boost on the DC-5, with the added benefits that it can also be used for channel 2, and it is a footswitch!
I have altered my A version DC's to be able to use the 2 button footswitch. I changed the jack on the front to a stereo jack and then ran a shielded wire to the back of the amp where the EQ & Reverb jack is located. Now, I can use the same footswitch with all of my DC's.

As for the 'Pull Boost,' formisano is right. It is better to use a pedal. On mine, the pull boost is much louder than the normal volume of the panel.
There is one guy I can recall (I think on this board, but not certain) that had his DC5's Pull Boost modded to being footswitch-able. I asked him about specifics, but he said his tech did it and he doesn't have any idea. But then I started noodling with the "boost" tones and decided there is just too much disparity in volume and tone to make it usable as a "3rd" channel. Personally, I think you're better off leaving the Boost either on or off, then switching between this and channel 2. Or use a pedal as was already mentioned ...I do the latter. FWIW, my Ch 1 is set clean w/ a touch of hair, use a pedal for a tad more crunch, then Ch2 for saturated OD. Works great live and just simpler. All IMHO anyway.

I appreciate everyone's input. It appears that the best thing, as suggested, is to just keep channel 1 clean like I like it and use a little overdrive for moderate crunch. I guess my TS-9 will be forever in my pedal board. I don't like the idea of overdrive pedals with my amps but when playing a variety of music I don't have time to fiddle with my controls all night. From what I read on this board the Mark IV would probably do the trick nicely but I like my DC-5 and Stiletto for the simplicity and great tone. Thanks again.

I love the Boogie Board!
Hey MJ,

Funny ...just like you, I need those different sounds for diff sets, but also don't relish the thought of pedals in my signal chain. I once toyed with the idea of MKIV, but just can't get myself to part with my DC5 ...for close to a decade now. It really is so straightforward to set, but sooo filled with tone! It's a no-compromise no-excuses gigging amp, IMHO. Why it's so unervalued I still can't figure out.

I since got a beauty of a MKIII Simul to get a few other tones (and I like the idea of having a head only), and really like it for it's slightly diff flavors ...and since I've tweaked with it, she is now attained "keeper" status. But for any live thing, the DC has always been my go to amp! :)

You know, I've been searching for years for that "tone" of a Dumble. You know, the creamy lead tone with that distinguished mid bump and touch sensitivity? Well, I broke down and got a Fuchs ODS.
I've owned my DC5 since the first month they came out. I've come close over the years...never exact but close. One day while practicing I tried something new (afer all these years). I pulled the ch 1 boost switch and maxed it. Played with the treb, mid and bass knobs (no EQ...still patched to the lead channel) and astonishing...there it it was. It sounds a lot like my Fuchs. I lost the 'clean channel" but then again, the amp cleans nicely when you back the guitar volume down.
I was going to sell the DC5..still might. But I'm torn..it might be a nice back up. I don't think "footswitching" will help because of the above mentioned volume leaps.
WORD on the volume leap.

I too thought about this mod but the volume jump is just too mind blowing of a difference to do it.

That said, many have had great luck with boosters.

I personally use the MXR CAE MC-401 and love it. Gives it a nice push and really breaks up nicely.

In Kevin O'Connor's book, 'The Ultimate Tone,' he describes using Diode Clipping to create more distortion without increasing volume.

You could try something like this. It won't sound the same though.

You could also just use a great pedal, like the Fat Boost on the Clean channel.

I have tried this. It adds gobs of sustain and thickness to my DC-10's lead channel also. It won't add much, if any, volume to the lead channel, just make it thicker.
Monsta-Tone said:
I have altered my A version DC's to be able to use the 2 button footswitch. I changed the jack on the front to a stereo jack and then ran a shielded wire to the back of the amp where the EQ & Reverb jack is located. Now, I can use the same footswitch with all of my DC's.

As for the 'Pull Boost,' formisano is right. It is better to use a pedal. On mine, the pull boost is much louder than the normal volume of the panel.


I did it reversly , not using the reverb switch on this amp, just unsoldered blue wire on rev to a lead runing till face ftsw channel jack, now my old 2 buttons "peavey ftsw" controls eq and lead channel..

as about the push pull boost, it would be easy to run it on a ftsw, after V1a right down the tone stack"3 on med pot" , it shunt to the ground the 100k resistor, could easily run through jack face ftsw!

the best would be to solder a 49k on the gain pot wiper with a lead running throught the jack to the ground to bleed some overdrive and keep clean the channel at same volume ..

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