I have been playing on and off with my DC-3 for a couple years playing mostly classic rock.I love and hate it.Live it cuts through really nice but can sound kind of flat or sterile.At home I almost never use it because it lacks bottom and the highs are a bit harsh.So I plugged in a 1x12 pine cab that I built for another amp and WOW what a change,lively and dynamic sounding.I think the problem is the Mesa cab-Maybe the small size or the materials used but it is dead sounding in comparison.Anyone else notice this? I only use the clean channel as I find the O.D. To be useless,either too much drive or very thin at low gain.Oh and I replaced the OT with a Heyboer 36 wt. and it was a big improvement for the clean sound.But it still seems like a one trick pony.