DC-3 or F-30

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
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Covington, LA
i have come to the realization that i will not get a LSC or LSS within my price range for now, so i am backing down to a DC-3 or F-30 combo. Anyone who has A/B'd these and can compare contrast - it would be greatly appreciated. also, if you can describe your guitar(s) used - i have one of everything and play every type.

looking for - Fender clean, jazz clean, classic rock (mild/moderate crunch), southern rock (light distortion/breakup), blues (creamy lead).

my current issue is that i can stay with my .50 cal + which does all of this, but i need to reset to change - i want 2 distinct channels to swap back and forth - clean to blues, southern to classic, southern to blues.

of course, if you have ANOTHER combo to recommend besides a Mark IV - i'm open. a real issue is cost - i think i prefer the 6L6 over the EL34/84 - but that's probably because most of the EL34/84 stuff I've heard was non-Mesa. Size is not an issue 1x12 or 2x12 is okay - i can carry anything. no head/cabs. did not like the Express much. :roll:

played the LSC and that's THE ONE ... but not for $1600. not for 5 years until i get 2 out of college LOL !!!

thanks y'all !!
A Maverick will do all of the above. I used a PRS Custom 22 with the one I had and could switch to the neck pickup, ease up on the volume knob, and put it on the lead channel and get a great blues. Changing pickups and adjusting the volume on the lead channel could go anywhere from blues to classic rock to southern rock. On the rhythm channel I could get anywhere from a spanky country clean to a slightly dirty clean to blues and up to southern rock also. Being an EL-84 amp and only 35 watts, it would break-up quick, so the rhythm channel had a wide spectrum...both actually were fairly versatile and all it took was changing the pickup and adjusting the guitar's volume pot.
+1 on the Maverick. It will be hard to find one to check out, but it sounds like what you are looking for. Have you thought about purchasing a used LSS or LSC. IMHO, Mesa's are well built enough to purchase used with confidence. Good Luck!
yes - that i what i am looking at - a LSC used looks to be around 1200-1300 - not that i don;t think they are great, just out of my budget. i have passed a Maverick before ... but i will reobserve.

any other DC-3 vs. F-30 comments ??
Also, a DC-3 is 35 watts, w/4 EL-84's an F-30 is closer to 20 watts w/2 EL-84's. Still loud enough to gig though.
My apologies, but I hate the "contour" control. Really hate it. Even the brightest minds have those lapses of judgment on occasion, and the replacement of the GEQ with this pre-scooped abomination was a serious shortcoming on good ol' R.S.' part ...IMHO of course.

That said, the F-series have a lovely clean, and can be made to have a nice Lead tone. But they are just not as versatile as the GEQ on the DCs. The **** contour parameters are fixed ...how useful is that?!! What if I don't want a smiley face eq!! (no, haven't played an express yet ...maybe that one's better). Sorry. Rant over. Just thought I'd, oh, share my opinion. BTW, did I mention that I'd prefer the DC3?? :)

I totally agree with you about the contour channel. I had an F-50 head for a while and I never used the contour and always wished that it had the EQ. Now I have a DC-10 head and am MUCH happier with it.
Check flea bay ...nice minty ones have gone well into the $500s. Worth every penny, IMHO, though.

I've never played a DC3 but I have an F30. I bought my F30 earlier this year with the intention of reselling if for a little profit but I immediately fell in love with it.

I've always played Marshalls and this is my first Boogie. I puts my 50 watt JCM800 combo to shame and gets just as loud.
i have owned the F-50 and i currently play a DC-3.

i play Modern Country, Classic Rock, and Blues.

the DC-3 is a great amp and quite a bit more versatile than the F-50.
an extension cab makes this amp PERFECT.

the EQ is a huge improvement, the effects loop is better, the switching options are great.

the F-50 sounds a bit "more full", but i struggled with the cleans. i couldn't get along with the contour control....needs an EQ.

i added a closed back 1x12, Celestion loaded cab to the DC-3 and it is a monster!!! the sound is full and the tone.....ooooh the tone!!

there is plenty of volume to gig with, my $.02......go with the DC-3 over the "F" series
DC-3 and F-50 user here. Been playing for over 25 years and have used Boogies since 1985 when I forst got a Studio .22 (HUGE mistake selling that one!) I use single coil guitars (strats and teles) and play in a jam-band.

The DC-3 is a great amp, and at the very least - if at all possible - you owe it to yourself to try one out.

It's rated at 35 watts, but is plenty loud for all but the big rooms if you don't mic up. I have owned one since the 1990s, and have used it a lot and used it hard. The general advantages of the amp are (i) two completely discrete and independent channels; (ii) independent master volumes for each channel which allows for very precise balance between channels; (iii) an overall master volume; and (iv) a VERY useful graphic eq. This last feature is what truly separates this amp from the F-30, which I found anemic and lacking in headroom. I also agree with the comment above that the amp responds incredibly to an extension cab. Run it through a 2x12 or 4x12 and it will amaze you.

Clean channel is squeaky clean if that's what you need, but you can get a real nice break-up if you run the gain above 7 or 8. The lead channel is sweet. Good ol' Boogie tone with an EL84 vibe.

I also play with an F-50. With the 6L6s, this really is acompletely different amp - the cleans are really, really good, and you have a bit more headroom, and channel two can go from flat out hard rock to pretty aggressive overdive if that's your thing. The F-50 is, IMO, much more lively than the F-30, with a fatter/rounder bottom end. This is also an amp you should look at.

However, if I had to pick one of the two, I'd go with the DC-3 simply because in terms of reliability, output power, portability and flexibility, it's a winner. And, if that's not enough, you can get them at great prices if you look hard.

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