DC-3 - considering extension cab options

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Apr 4, 2010
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I'm new here, but I have read a number of threads about extension cabinets. I have played a DC-3 combo for about 13 years and obviously love the amp (original owner and it still looks like new 8) ). I have been looking to improve (subjective of course) my sound. It appears that a recommended combination is a DC-3 combo and a 1x12 Thiele. How is the sound changed with the addition of the Thiele?

Most of the discussion has been about the EVM 200W speaker, however the new ones come with a C90. Does anyone know how these compare?

There is also a closed-back front ported (triangular port) cabinet that some retailers advertise as a "widebody Thiele". Is that an accurate description? The are supposed to have excellent low-end response, has anyone tried one?

I am looking for a little more bottom end chunk in my sound. I was thinking of pursuing a Mark III or Mark IV (of course I would keep my DC-3), but if I can improve my sound with a smaller investment, and thus less mariatal strife, I would be keen to do so.


PS - my name here comes from my favorite electric guitars. Fury Guitars is a small Canadian company (one man) that has made handmade guitars since 1962. I have a Fury Meridian (limited run guitar made in the 80s) and just got a Fireball about 3 weeks ago. Cool guitars, you should check them out. Their website is really out of date, but he's busy enough making guitars. - Cheers
I used an EV loaded Thiele cab with mine and loved it!
It won't color your tone like other cabinets, but it adds some serious girth. The EV never gets flubby or muddy, it just adds for lack of a better word, depth to your tone.

I also replaced the speaker in my old combo with a Mojotone BV30H Heritage 30 clone speaker. That alone did wonders for the tone! It took away the mid range spike and added just enough bass.

I haven't tried a Thiele with a C-90. I do really like the C-90 in a combo amp though.
Monsta-Tone said:
I used an EV loaded Thiele cab with mine and loved it!
It won't color your tone like other cabinets, but it adds some serious girth. The EV never gets flubby or muddy, it just adds for lack of a better word, depth to your tone.

I also replaced the speaker in my old combo with a Mojotone BV30H Heritage 30 clone speaker. That alone did wonders for the tone! It took away the mid range spike and added just enough bass.

I haven't tried a Thiele with a C-90. I do really like the C-90 in a combo amp though.

+1 I run my DC 3 head through an evm loaded theile and that one speaker/cab alone has big balls. Loads of low end. In fact I have my low freq. sliders on the GEQ way down to offset the low end.
How about the widebody descirbed above? Anyone have experience with that cab? The one advantage of the widebody is that it would work a little better if I get a head in the future that is not a short head.

So, both agree that I could get a better bottom end reponse with a Thiele (or perhaps the widebody). Interestingly, the widebody is a little cheaper than the traditional Thiele. Go figure.

Thanks for the responses. Any additional comments would be appreciated.

I have a widebody 1x12 1/2 back with a C-90. It is a great cab too!
Not as transparent as the Thiele, but it is my #1 cabinet to use in the shop. I know exactly how it's supposed to sound so I test all amps on it. I also use a THD 2x12 sometimes in the shop.
Thanks again for the info. Given your experience with the various M/B cabs, how would the prospect of a closed back front-ported widebody 1x12 sound to you? I guess I am quite enticed by that particular cab, but since the two M/B dealers here in Winnipeg (yes, in the middle of the snowy Canadian Prairies) don't have one in stock, I can't hear the cab with my amp.

As an aside, have you tried the SPAX7 tubes in V1 and/or V6? I'm thinking of giving that a go.

I have tried the SPAX7 in V6 of many amps. I can't really hear a tonal difference over the standard Mesa tube.
I do really like the JJ High Gain set from Bob at Eurotubes. I think they are generally a bit darker sounding tube which is perfect for the DC-3!

As for the cab, Either cab will really fill the void.
The closed back, front ported won't sound as good standing next to it as the 1/2 back cab will.
That's the nature of a closed back cab. It sounds great a few feet away, but not so great up front.
The beauty of an open back cab is that it fills the room more easily and the drummer seems to be able to hear it much better.

Depends on what you play. I don't really play metal anymore, so I prefer open back cabs. Most of the guys here who play metal couldn't live without their closed back cabs.

The Thiele is sort of an enigma in the sense that it sounds really transparent while adding just the right amount of thump and bass.
The 1/2 back will definitely color your tone, but I love the tone of the MC-90 speaker in an open back cab, so I don't mind at all.

Since you can't try either of them, I would say that you might just have to find one that fits your needs. The determining factor may just well be that you won't always have the small size combo and may want to upgrade at some point to the Widebody size combo. If that's the case, the 1/2 back is the way to go. If you need still more bass, you could always put an EVM into the 1/2 back and sell the C-90.
Thanks for the info. Certainly a lot to think about. It will be a little while before I move on a cab as I have just dropped some significant cash on my new Fireball and I sent my Meridian to the Fury factory to get totally re-finished. I tend to do a lot of research before buying something (I am pretty fussy).

I like my dc-3 with Vintage 30 much in combination with my 2x12 cab with Gt75's
I paired my (newly acquired) DC-3 with a custom Thiele cab loaded with an Eminence Deltalite 2512 and the bottom end is huge!!!
The cab is made by Zilla who are based here in the uk. Originally I used an EVM12L in the cab but swapped it back into my MKIII 'cos I'm looking to sell it. The combined weight of the cab with the Deltalite is just over 11 kilos - that's only a fraction more than an EV weighs on its own! Super portable and great sound :D

FWIW I always struggled with the bass in my MKIII (one of the reasons I'm looking to sell). Any bass setting over 2 and the bottom end gets flabby. Having tried the EV in numerous situations, I came to realise that the preamp in the III is to blame, not the speaker. For me the DC3 is much more plug-in-and-play than the MKIII which seems to sound different every time I fire it up.

To summarise, I'd get a Thiele cab and stick with your DC.

Thanks for the input. I essentially want to beef up the bottom end. Your results with a thiele cab are encouraging. I've been playing my DC-3 since '97 and I am still discovering different tones that make me smile (happened again yesterday!).


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