DC-3 Combo Can't get a good drop D chord sound

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Active member
Nov 8, 2007
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San Francisco
I replaced the tubes with Tung Sol's and JJ's. I have a Vintage 30 in the amp...The lead sounds are great! but when I play my drop D power chords, the sound is harsh and without definition. I tried everything to tweak it including the graphic EQ, but I just don't seem to even get close to a nice sound with my power chords.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks in advance
Have you tried lowering the gain? that can help with clarity and definition sometimes. You might have to play a little harder to get that oomph out of the amp to compensate.
I have to say I much prefer the sound of my DC-3 combo through a sealed cab. Right now using a Marshall 2x12 'mini' slant with G12T-75s - nice dropped D power. Have a SD Hotrail in the strat's bridge pickup and that helps too.
I agree, experiment with lower gain settings & higher master volume levels. Also try cutting the lows a bit. If you still are not satisfied, pull the V30 and try a Black Shadow C90 or Celestion CL80.
There are so many variables from guitar/pickups to cables/effects pedals to settings to etc.....

Why not start by posting your signal chain (include all FX infront of the amp and in the loop) and your settings.

You also might be asking too much of those little EL84's to stay clean at high volume. A DC-5 or DC-10 might be the answer you're looking for but let's start with the free stuff first.

The coupling capacitors to the output section are .047 uf. Have a tech change them to .1uf. This is the biggest "mistake" Boogie made with the caliber series amps.
Restless Rocks is right. Get a Thiele. If you need more low end, try the mod I suggested. My 50 cal+ and Studio 22 both sit on Thiele cabs, and have the mod.

Doubling the output caps lets you run the preamp bass knob lower, putting way less mud through the entire signal chain. The Thiele cab lets you harness the thump you desire.
stomper said:
The coupling capacitors to the output section are .047 uf. Have a tech change them to .1uf. This is the biggest "mistake" Boogie made with the caliber series amps.

Switching to a larger cap will yield more bass (flatulence). I ran my DC3 through a marshall 4x12 with amazing results. You hit the ceiling quickly though..