DC-10 clips New song added

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Whoa, those clips are kind of insane! The DC sounds nice and thick, but not too muddy... I guess I never knew how decent for metal those amps are. I'd like to hear it double-tracked, with a bit less bass and slightly more presence.

Is this through the Marshall cab? What did you mic it with?
I kinda liked it, found it similar to mark IV, but it kinda lacked definition, the sound was badly recorded, so i took the liberty of equalizing on track to see how it souded, sorry for this, but i think it sounds way better now.
the link for it is:


I liked the original tone, I think the amp has what it takes.
Well once again sorry for using your stuff, but I was curious.
I'm really curious to see how this amp sounds but for some reason when I click on the hi fi tab it takes forever to start????

any help?
Great playing...dont worry bout the computer mic'ed recording if thats all you have..it worked !'
DC amps...once again,totally underated. They are such a colorful amp,killer tone shapeing and versitile.
Well done !
ok, got the link to work.

as far as the tone- very kick a@@ (could use just a pube hair more hi end)
It has a lot of the midrange quality that I love!

I think the reason for the discontinue of the DC-10 is due to the fact that its kinda in between, a combination of a vintage and modern amp....anyone with a mark 4 (if they know how to dial in good) can prolly get this similar vintage tone PLUS the more modern Mark sound....so it sounds like Mesa wanted to streamline the lineup on this one, imho.

as far as your playing, you do have some raw talent that just needs to be shaped a bit. Now take this with a grain of salt. On the first recording, if i may say so you tone is great but the actual playing is not very good at all. Timing is waaaay of, no sense of a foundation or groove whatsoever and VERY spastic and scrappy (not like the good spastic/scrappy feel of Slipknots first album, just not good)...

SOOO, what ya need to do is try practicing with a metronome more often and FORCE yourself to be consistent with tempos and melodies. This will prolly make you less tense when you play which in turn, will give your playing a way more solid, cohesive AND understandable sound.

thanks so much for posting cuz i've been dying to hear these clips of this discontinued amp! Keep up the good work!@

ps, have you heard LOG's new single, "Redneck"...its awesome, has sorta a Pantera vibe to it and Randy's vox phrasing/melodies are sooooo much better AND powerful, imho
blinkie said:
I kinda liked it, found it similar to mark IV, but it kinda lacked definition, the sound was badly recorded, so i took the liberty of equalizing on track to see how it souded, sorry for this, but i think it sounds way better now.
the link for it is:


I agree about needing some eqing which would of prolly been better off BEFORE recording and dialed in on the amp, but heinsight 20/20. I would still like to hear the guys eq'd clip but the link asks for a password when the page comes up?...anyway around this?
I borrowed a fostex 8 track recorder from a bud of mine which is a million times better than what i was using before, i did a cover of laid to rest, i think the whole turned out pretty good, considering this is the first time i've had to try and find a good mic placement and recorded tone, Let me know what you think.

overall, VERY nice man...

next step would be to play AND record with a metronome to solidify your timing. If THAT is mastered then your pretty much ready to try out for LOG, lol.

fer serious, you HAVE some chops, just need to trim the fat so to speak...keep up the GREAT workl!


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