Custom thiele + speaker options

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2008
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Hey guys! I was thinking of getting myself a thiele with the EVM12L speaker in it for easier handling when going to jam with friends. I may even get two. I'd play it through my Mark IV and I wonder what other speaker would compliment the EVM the best with my Mark. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to speakers as I only have tested the (Marshall) Celestion V30s extensively. I'm going for a hard-rock to metal, type Metallica, tone. All suggestions welcome, but try to describe the "tone" of the speaker you mention.

I'm probably going to buy from It's cool because they will customize your cabinet for no extra charge (some options cost a bit more). Though about getting one in Fender vintage tweed with some kind of wicker grill. Should look awesome. Here's the link to the thiele they build:

Has anyone got any experience with their cabinets? What is your impression?

And by the way, there is a 16 ohm speaker version available too. Not that my mark has a 16 ohm output, but are there any difference in sound between a 8 and 16 ohm cabinet? Just curious...
Paw said:
Hey guys! I was thinking of getting myself a thiele with the EVM12L speaker in it for easier handling when going to jam with friends. I may even get two. I'd play it through my Mark IV and I wonder what other speaker would compliment the EVM the best with my Mark. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to speakers as I only have tested the (Marshall) Celestion V30s extensively. I'm going for a hard-rock to metal, type Metallica, tone. All suggestions welcome, but try to describe the "tone" of the speaker you mention.

I'm probably going to buy from It's cool because they will customize your cabinet for no extra charge (some options cost a bit more). Though about getting one in Fender vintage tweed with some kind of wicker grill. Should look awesome. Here's the link to the thiele they build:

Has anyone got any experience with their cabinets? What is your impression?


The EV-806 Plan is a great cab. I have one. See this thread for the details and many speaker disucssions.
GD_NC said:
The EV-806 Plan is a great cab. I have one. See this thread for the details and many speaker disucssions.

I read through the whole thread last night, interesting stuff. So it looks like the Eminence Delta Pro should be a good fit for the thiele design. What is it's tonal characteristics and how will it stack up against a EVM12L speaker? I'd like to get some views on which speakers blend best with the EVM. Maybe I'll get a different cab with those instead.

You should really talk to the guy at Boogafunk. Some of the best customer service I've ever had. I recently bought a Thiele with a Jensen C12K in Wine Taurus with a wheat metal grill for $420 (including shipping). Haven't gotten to try it out yet because I don't have my head in just yet. But at least check him out.
Well I actually got to try it yesterday. Dragged it down to the guitar store and plugged it into an Express 5:25 they had down there. Sounds really good, although I still need to break in the speaker. It sounds really harsh. I can tell that it's going to sound great though. All the clarity of the Mesa Thiele's, except it's not muddy with the sound of the Black Shadow.