Converting 100 watt to 50 watt amp?

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Jul 17, 2007
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I've read/heard that you can take out two tubes in a push/pull 100W amp and safely turn it into a 50W amp.
Which tubes? (two inside or outside?)
And should I change the speaker connection from 8ohm to 4 ohm?
pull either the inner pair or the outer pair, and select an output with 1/2 the ohm rating of your speaker

What amp are you talking about? You can pull one tube from each side of the OT but you must change the load in the other direction.For instance,if you have 4 tubes going into a 4ohm load with 2 tubes you want an 8ohm load.Its not a bad idea to check the bias as well.
Stokes is 100% right on. It pays to know how the tubes are paired... before pulling a pair, consult the tube chart for your amp if it has one. I have seen 4 power tubes arranged inner and outer, other designs are paired side by side for each pair. Peace.

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